Time difference Nepal

Nepal is 5 hours 45 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

Bhutan is 6 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

Opening hours Nepal

To see / To do Nepal

In Nepal. Most museums are open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and usually close on Tuesdays.

Bhutan. Museums are open Monday to Saturday, from 9am to around 5pm, and sometimes on Sundays too.

Enjoying yourself Nepal

In Nepal. Restaurants are generally open from 8am to 10pm, or even 9pm, especially in small towns. Beyond that, dinner is out!

In Bhutan. The packages offered by Bhutanese agencies include room and board, so you'll eat most of your meals in the restaurants of the hotels where you'll be staying. These are generally buffets of continental, Indian, Chinese and Bhutanese dishes. Lunch is often taken in roadside restaurants with well-organized buffets. You can also choose your own restaurant during your trip by taking out an e-visa directly online.

Take a break Nepal

Bars and cafés are generally open until 11pm on weekdays, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights (in Bhutan they are closed on Tuesdays).

(To) please yourself Nepal

In Nepal. Shops are open from 10am to 8pm. Beware that Saturday is a public holiday in Nepal, many shops are closed.

In Bhutan. Shops are usually open from 8am to 8pm or even 9pm.

Get out Nepal

In Nepal. We go to bed early and get up early. Bars and clubs close their doors around midnight, 1am in Kathmandu.

Bhutan. At the stroke of midnight on weekdays, you'll have to leave the dancefloor; permission is required at 2am on Friday and Saturday nights. Bars generally close around midnight.