Organize your stay Channel Islands

Money Money Channel Islands

The islands' currency is that of Great Britain, the pound sterling (£). Banknotes are in denominations of £1, £5, £10, £20 and £50. Coins are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pence and 1 pound sterling.

Please note. The two Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey also mint their own currency: the Jersey pound and the Guernsey pound. These bills and coins have the same value as bills and coins issued in Great Britain and follow the same exchange rate, but are not negotiable outside the Channel Islands: you can therefore use Jersey currency in Guernsey and vice versa, but to use these bills in England, you'll have to go through a bank that will change them into English pounds... Remember to keep a few for your numismatic friends.

Exchange rates. 1 pound sterling = €1.17 - €1 = £0.85 (February 2024). You'll find it easy to exchange your currency for pounds sterling, both in banks and in most hotels (often at less attractive rates). Otherwise, there are cash dispensers everywhere in the two bailiwicks.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Channel Islands

The cost of living is generally equivalent to that of the UK. However, fresh produce and household items are more expensive than on the mainland (as they are all imported). In other words, life on the islands is expensive.
The budgets below are per person for a three-day stay.

Low budget: €180 including boat crossing, visit to one island, nights camping or youth hostel in Jersey, simple meals, bus transport and/or bike hire.

Medium budget: €450 including boat trip, visit to two islands, nights in a standard hotel, visits to museums, car rental, meals in mid-range restaurants.

Big budget: at €600, you can take advantage of all the opportunities the islands have to offer: air travel, visits to several islands, good-quality hotels, car rental, cab rides, meals in well-known restaurants, visits to museums, organized walks with a guide. In this budget range, expect to pay €200 per day.

Passport and visas Passport and visas Channel Islands

The Channel Islands are dependent on the British Crown, but are independent and not part of the European Union.

For French and European nationals. Please note that since October 2021 and the Brexit, a simple identity card is no longer sufficient, and you'll need a valid passport. Although the rules were relaxed in 2023 (at least until September 30, 2024) and an ID card is sufficient for day trips. If you are crossing by ferry with a vehicle, you must be able to present a national driving license, vehicle registration document and green card. Remember to stick the F (CH or C) on the back of your vehicle!

For nationals of countries outside the European Union. Please check with the British embassy in your country whether a visa is required.

Please note the entry requirements for your pets. Find out before you leave how they can accompany you. For more information, visit (Country Informations > Select your country pets).

The Channel Islands have the same rules as the UK, which applies the "Pet Travel Program" (PVAC).

Driver's license Driver's license Channel Islands

If you rent a car locally, you must be over 21 and under 75 years of age, have held your driving license for more than a year, and not have had your license revoked in the last five years. Please note that your license will also be required to rent a scooter, even a 50cc one.

To bring your own vehicle , you'll need an insurance certificate or an international green card, the vehicle registration document, and your driving license (national or international). No photocopies will be accepted. And don't forget to affix an F (or B, CH, etc.) sticker to the rear of your car.

Health Health Channel Islands

There are no particular risks involved in visiting the Channel Islands, so no specific vaccinations are required. In the event of illness, in addition to your doctor, you can also contact the French consulate. They'll be happy to help and accompany you, and will provide you with a list of French-speaking doctors. In the event of a serious problem, the consulate will also inform the family and decide on repatriation. The addresses of the doctors will also be given to you by the local tourist offices or the hotel where you are staying. Only emergency care is provided on the islands of Sark and Herm; in the event of a serious accident, you will be transported to Guernsey. Please note that as the Channel Islands are not part of the European Union, treatment is not reimbursed by the French Social Security system. You should therefore take out additional insurance before you leave.

Security Security Channel Islands

Nothing to report, apart from a few pickpockets in the tourist areas and markets. The sea is the biggest danger in the Channel Islands: take care when swimming, as currents can be violent.

Time difference Time difference Channel Islands

When it's midday in the Channel Islands, it's 1pm in Paris. As on the mainland, there is summer and winter time. In all seasons, there is a 1-hour time difference (- 1 hour on the islands).

Spoken languages Spoken languages Channel Islands

Since the 20thcentury , the official language has been English. Shakespeare's language has thus supplanted the old Jersey or Guernsey language, a mixture of Old French and Norman patois, of which a few traces remain.

Communication Communication Channel Islands

Telephone coverage is very good. Wi-Fi is widespread in both bailiwicks, in hotels and pubs alike: you'll have no trouble getting online, as long as you've got your smartphone, tablet or laptop with you.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Channel Islands

Voltage is 240 volts and plugs are English. If you're planning to take a hairdryer with you (they're usually provided in hotels), an electric shaver or any other appliance, you'll need an adapter for the sockets. You can buy one at airports and department stores.
The metric system is of course used. But Anglo-Saxon measurements are still used. Here are a few rules to help you.

Mass: 1pound= 0.454 kg; 1ounce= 0.28 g.

Volume: 1pint= 0.568 l; 1 gallon = 4.5 l.

Length: 1mile= 1.609 km; 1 yard = 91 cm; 1foot= 30 cm; 1inch= 2.54 cm.

Surface: 1 square yard = 0.836 m²; 6 square yards = 5 m²; 1 acre = 0.4 ha or 40.47 ares.

Temperature: 0 °C = 32 °F; 5 °C = 41 °F; 20 °C = 68 °F; 25 °C = 77 °F; 35 °C = 95 °F.

Luggage Luggage Channel Islands

In summer: the Channel Islands being above all a seaside destination, don't forget your bathing suit and everything you need to lounge on the beach. For dinner, however, note that proper attire is often required, especially in the larger hotels.

In autumn and spring: renowned for their hiking, the islands can be discovered on foot or by bicycle. As such, remember to bring small walking shoes and a windbreaker or overcoat as it can be rainy or windy. As in the summer, remember to bring proper attire for going out to dinner.

In winter: the islands can be cold in winter, so don't forget to bring a heavy sweater and sturdy shoes.