Organize your stay Belgium

Money Money Belgium

Belgium is part of the euro zone. The coins depict Philippe I, King of the Belgians, with his monogram.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Belgium

Tight budget to small budget: you can travel for €50 a day if you stay in a youth hostel, eat sandwiches or fast food and limit yourself to one drink in the evening. Count on at least €60 for a little more comfort.

Average budget: between €80 and €130 per person per day, for one night in a small hotel, one (or even two) meals in a small restaurant, one drink in the evening, transport (bus, train, parking...).

Big budget: from €160 per person (night in a charming hotel, meals in good restaurants, parking or cab...).

Driver's license Driver's license Belgium

The European French driving license is of course valid.

Health Health Belgium

Nothing special, the European healthcare card works in Belgium.

Security Security Belgium

No particular danger, as everywhere, you have to be careful of pickpockets in big cities.

Spoken languages Spoken languages Belgium

People in the north of the country speak Dutch, while those in the south speak French. The cantons of Eupen and Saint-Vith, near the German border, are German-speaking. Brussels, finally, has a "bilingual" status, although the majority of its population is French-speaking.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Belgium

Belgium has adopted the metric system. Belgians therefore speak in kilometres and kilograms, as they do in France. The electrical outlets are also the same as in France (220 volts).

Luggage Luggage Belgium

The essential item for a trip to Belgium is... the umbrella! Because even in the middle of summer, you're never safe from a " drache " (heavy rain). A raincoat is also highly recommended.