Time difference Iceland

There is a 2-hour time difference between France and Iceland in summer and 1 hour in winter. So when it's noon in Paris, it's 10 a.m. in Reykjavík in summer and 11 a.m. in winter.

Opening hours Iceland

To see / To do Iceland

Generally speaking, schedules for activities and transport vary between high and low season. For example, the ferry to Viðey operates every day in summer, whereas it only runs at weekends in winter. Make sure you have the right timetable!

Museums and activities open late and close relatively early in Iceland, often from 10am to 5pm. There are exceptions, however, such as Perlan, which opens until 10pm. This limitation does not apply to natural sites, most of which are accessible day and night.

Similarly, opening times change frequently, and those shown in this guide are subject to change. We advise you to call or visit the websites of the establishments you "absolutely must" try out before going there. Don't hesitate to make reservations whenever possible.

Enjoying yourself Iceland

As with many things in Iceland, opening times can vary depending on whether it's low or high season. For some restaurants outside the capital, it's also possible to find a restaurant that was supposed to be open closed. It's not always the case, but it's worth bearing in mind if you don't want to find yourself out of pocket!

In the capital, restaurant opening hours are relatively similar to ours, but some places close early (9pm).

Take a break Iceland

The capital is home to some of the island's liveliest nightlife. Most of the bars are located on Laugavegur and are very popular, opening late (some as late as 4 or 5am). Admission is generally free, and some bars offer happy hour . This sometimes starts much earlier than in France, from early afternoon onwards, and lasts until 8pm, but it's best to find out beforehand to avoid unpleasant surprises.

More than tea rooms in Iceland, you'll find coffee shops serving lunch, afternoon snacks and sometimes evening meals.

(To) please yourself Iceland

Stores generally open at 10am and close at 7pm. However, these times can vary, especially for some small shops (even if they're located in the city center). Check before you go.

Get out Iceland

Happy hour is practiced by many establishments, and sometimes starts early when it comes to bars/clubs (it can start at noon and finish around 8pm). Generally speaking, some clubs close late (5am), and are often packed. As is the case in France, they tend to come alive from midnight onwards.

There areonly a few cin emas in Iceland, and their opening times need to be checked. For example, the cinema in Reykjavik's Kringlan shopping center opens only from 8am to 4pm, while the cinema in the city (Bio Paradis) opens in the evening.