Time difference Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is at GMT + 2. The time difference with France is therefore small: the time is the same in the French summer and Zimbabwe is one hour ahead in winter.

Opening hours Zimbabwe

To see / To do Zimbabwe

Harare and Bulawayo, the two largest cities in the country, have a few museums and gardens (Museum of Human Sciences, National Botanical Garden, Natural History Museum, Railway Museum...). There are a few other museums and botanical gardens to visit in the country, especially in the Eastern Highlands. They are open every day, but their opening hours may vary depending on the site. Most of the time, they are open from 9am to 5pm.

Enjoying yourself Zimbabwe

The opening hours of the restaurants are quite variable. Some are open only for lunch and dinner, while others may be open continuously from morning (serving breakfast) until late afternoon. They are usually open every day.

Take a break Zimbabwe

Most tea shops are open every day on weekdays from early morning to mid or late afternoon, as well as on Saturday mornings. Many are closed on Sundays. Many bars and cafes are open every day from morning to midnight, sometimes much later on weekends.

(To) please yourself Zimbabwe

Businesses are generally open from 8am to 8pm every day. Offices are generally open on weekdays from 8am to 4pm.

Get out Zimbabwe

Some bars in Harare or Bulawayo are open every day from morning to midnight. Some of them stay open later on weekends.