Organize your stay California

Money Money California

Currency. The US dollar - denoted US$ - has been the official currency of the United States since 1792.

Exchange rates. At the beginning of 2024, one dollar was worth 0.94 euros and one euro was worth 1.06 dollars. Rather than going to an exchange office, it's better to withdraw cash directly from an ATM.

Credit cards. You can pay by card in most - if not all - establishments, but bear in mind that some charge a commission. Before you leave, check with your bank to find out about the rates and limits for withdrawals and payments abroad: for stays of several weeks, it may be worthwhile taking out an international option. One last tip: take two cards with you and keep them in separate locations. This will save you time and effort in the event of loss or theft.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips California

The United States is far from being a cheap country, especially since the end of the health crisis in 2020. Without skipping out on sightseeing or car rental, but limiting the number of restaurants and choosing sometimes out-of-the-way accommodation - for more affordable rates - you're looking at an average of 115 euros per day per person... At least if you're traveling in pairs and share the costs of gas, car rental and accommodation equally. More "chic" visitors are more likely to spend between 200 and 275 euros each per day. Of course, these figures are subject to change depending on the time of year, as it's more expensive to travel the Grand Ouest during school vacations.

Tips and taxes. Tips are an essential part of your budget. An integral part of American culture, they usually represent 10-15% of the restaurant bill. Most prices are quoted without taxes. Taxes are added at checkout and vary from state to state, and even from county to county. In July 2023, for example, taxes were 9.5% in Los Angeles, 7.75% in San Diego and 8.5% in Sonoma. See their evolution here:

To save money, compare hotel prices year-round if you can be flexible on dates. In the low season, you'll find luxurious establishments at sometimes 200 euros less than usual.

Passport and visas Passport and visas California

Passport. You'll need a valid passport to enter the United States. Make sure it is valid for the duration of your stay.

Visa. You need an ESTA to enter the U.S. by air - even for simple transit - for a trip of up to 90 days. It's a kind of pass, valid for two years, and easy to obtain: at least 72 hours before departure, go to (and only there!) to fill in the form and pay US$21.

Driver's license Driver's license California

To visit the Grand Ouest by car, all you need is a valid driving license. However, to avoid any inconvenience, it may be a good idea to also have an international license issued or, failing that, to obtain an official translation.

Health Health California

As with any trip abroad, it's a good idea to find out in advance about the possibilities offered by your mutual insurance company in terms of medical coverage, and to make sure you have a repatriation option - sometimes included with your Visa card. You should also bear in mind that the U.S. healthcare system is based on private insurance: the slightest consultation can be extremely costly.

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination California

No vaccinations are required for travel to the United States.

Security Security California

Although the Far West is a "safe" territory , it is also plagued by numerous forest fires every year between June and November - California in the lead. Similarly, the risk of natural disasters and severe weather is much higher than in Europe. For the latest information on this subject, visit the "Conseils aux voyageurs" section of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: Nevertheless, bear in mind that an exhaustive list of potential dangers may give an alarmist picture of the country, different from its actual situation.

Time difference Time difference California

There is a nine hour time difference with California and Nevada. Thus, when it is 5pm here, it is 8am there. The same is true in Arizona, except for two periods: from the beginning of January to the end of March and from the end of October to the end of December, when there is only an eight-hour difference. In Utah, expect an eight-hour time difference year-round.

Spoken languages Spoken languages California

Although the "official" language of the United States is English, it is not uncommon to hear the locals speak Spanish, especially in California. In addition, some of the people involved in tourism are also French-speaking. If possible, make an effort to speak English, even if you only have a few basics or make mistakes: it is the intention that counts.

Communication Communication California

All French cell phoneoperators have agreements with American operators. This makes it easy to use your cell phone. If you want to keep your French plan, you'll need to activate the international option (generally free) before you leave, by calling your operator's customer service department. Who pays what? The rule is the same for all operators. When you use your French phone abroad, you pay for the call, whether you make it or receive it. In the case of an incoming call, your correspondent also pays, but only the price of a local call. All calls made to or from abroad are out of the bundle, including those to voicemail.

Another solution is to buy a prepaidSIM card from one of the local operators, i.e. T-Mobile, Verizon or AT&T. This is the most economical option if you intend to use your phone frequently and make local calls. Be aware, however, that as a general rule, a phone purchased from a French operator is "blocked" and will only accept SIM cards from that operator. You need to ask your operator to unlock your phone before you leave (which is not always possible).

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements California

The plugs are of type A and B. It will be necessary to buy an adapter before leaving or on the spot.

Distance and temperature measurements are different from those used in France. Here, meters are expressed in feet and kilometers in miles. Thus, one foot is worth 0.3 meters and one meter is equivalent to 3.28 feet. Similarly, one mile is equal to 1.6 kilometers and one kilometer to 0.62 miles. Finally, Americans use degrees Fahrenheit instead of Celsius: 32°F is 0°C.

Luggage Luggage California

Your mode of transport will determine your luggage: if you're on a road-trip, you'll be spoilt for choice, while you'll need an ergonomic backpack rather than a large suitcase for train and bus travel. In any case, remember to pack a small backpack for day hikes and walks. You can also slip a tote bag into your luggage: it won't take up much space and will come in handy if you're going to the beach or out for the evening.

Clothing. As the Grand Ouest is made up of a multitude of microclimates, it's a good idea to pack both warm and light clothing. So, take most of your summer clothes, but also jeans, a few long-sleeved T-shirts, a cotton shirt, a cardigan and a thin jacket. If you're planning to pass through cool areas like the snow-covered mountains of Utah, two extra sweaters and a pair of pants won't go amiss.

Footwear. If you're planning to hike, it's essential that you equip yourself with quality walking shoes and matching socks. Also pack a pair of city sneakers and comfortable sandals. Finally, even if you're not going to the beach, flip-flops will always come in handy, especially if you're planning to stay in a youth hostel and share a bathroom with other travelers.

Books. If you're an avid reader, you'll be tempted to bring plenty of books with you... But don't, especially if you're traveling in a backpack. Limit yourself to one or two books, and swap them as you meet new people, or in the designated areas of youth hostels and cafés. If you don't mind reading on a screen, take a reader.

Accessories. Don't leave without a medical kit, sun cream, sunglasses, a K-way or rain cape, a mini French-English dictionary, two or three small padlocks - aim high, you're bound to misplace one - earplugs, a sleep mask and headphones. Photography enthusiasts won't forget their camera; if they only have room for one lens, they'll opt for a wide-angle one. Optional but practical: an old telephone, in case your smartphone is lost or stolen.