Organize your stay Tanger

Money Money Tanger

The Moroccan currency is the dirham. The exchange rate in the first quarter of 2024 was around 11 DH for 1 €. Simply divide the Moroccan price by 11 to obtain an estimate in euros.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Tanger

The cost of living is lower in Morocco, especially for food. It is necessary to count less than 50 DH in a bouiboui and around 100-150 DH for a meal in a restaurant. As everywhere, tipping is appreciated. In some stores or in the souks, prices are never displayed and haggling is the rule. The right price is the one that suits both parties.

Passport and visas Passport and visas Tanger

A valid passport is required to enter Morocco. The entry stamp authorizes you to stay for a maximum of 90 days on Moroccan soil. This short stay visa is not valid for working in Morocco. For long stays or to work in the country, you must obtain a special visa issued by the Moroccan Consulate.

Driver's license Driver's license Tanger

You can drive in Morocco with your French license as long as you are visiting the country for less than a year. If you live in Morocco, you must obtain the local driver's license by exam or exchange within 12 months of your installation in Morocco.

Health Health Tanger

There is no particular health risk in Tangier. Drinking water is available in the city and in some villages. Nevertheless, the WHO recommends drinking mineral water. Outside Tangier, it is imperative to drink bottled water. Wash your hands regularly.

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination Tanger

No vaccinations are required to travel to Tangier. However, the hepatitis A vaccine is recommended (1 injection at least 15 days before departure). If you plan to stay in the country for a long time, vaccinations against hepatitis B, rabies and typhoid are strongly recommended (source: Institut Pasteur).

Security Security Tanger

Tangier suffers from a sulphurous reputation. There are reports of pickpocketing, especially along the Malabata beach or late at night in the city. It is therefore advisable not to carry valuable items (beware of cell phones) or large sums of money.

Time difference Time difference Tanger

There is a one hour time difference between France and Morocco. It is 11am in Tangier when it is noon in Paris in winter as well as in summer. During the month of Ramadan, Morocco moves back an extra hour. It is then 11am in Tangier when it is 1pm in Paris.

Spoken languages Spoken languages Tanger

The people of Tangier speak all languages... or almost! Arabic is the lingua franca, the one that children learn at school. French, English and Spanish are also commonly spoken, especially in the tourist industry.

Communication Communication Tanger

Cell phone and internet coverage is good in Tangier, but is less reliable in the region. All 3 operators offer equivalent network strength.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Tanger

The voltage is 220 V, a little lower than in France, but this is not a problem. The electric plugs are similar to the French ones. You can use all your electrical appliances without an adapter.

Luggage Luggage Tanger

Moroccan society is generally more puritanical than French society. So it's a good idea to wear decent clothes. The less flesh you expose, the more you'll be left alone in the street. Two-piece bathing suits are accepted, but toplessness and naturism are prohibited. Don't forget to bring sunscreen, hats and sunglasses, as the wind-swept sun beats down harder than it looks.