Organize your stay Moscow (Москва)

Money Money Moscow (Москва)

The ruble is the Russian currency, the exchange rate fluctuates quite a bit from year to year since the Ukrainian crisis. For a tourist, this has meant an increase in purchasing power, making the once expensive city a little more affordable. To get rubles in Moscow, you can easily find exchange offices (very numerous). It is best to carry small new euro or US dollar bills. The fees for credit card payments vary from bank to bank.

Traveller's cheques and bank cheques are not accepted.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Moscow (Москва)

If we break down a budget, accommodation is the most expensive, while transport is very cheap and the museums have affordable rates. Restaurants and shops offer a wide variety of prices, but are generally comparable to those in France. If you venture into the Golden Ring, the prices are much lower.

A tight budget is 4 500 RUB per day per person: 2 500 RUB for accommodation and breakfast included, 1 000 RUB for lunch and dinner, the remaining 1 000 RUB for visits, transport and outings

An average budget is RUB 7,000 per day and per person: RUB 3,000 for a room, RUB 2,000 for two meals and RUB 2,000 for visits and outings.

Big budgets can go up very high and enjoy the luxury of the capital. There is no limit to what can be bought and negotiated in the city

Passport and visas Passport and visas Moscow (Москва)

The Russian State requires a passport valid for at least 6 months after the date of return, and with at least 2 free pages. For the moment, to travel to Moscow, a visa is mandatory for EU nationals, Canadians and Swiss citizens

In order to obtain a Russian visa, you must first receive an "invitation" (a voucher) from a Russian travel agency, a host, a youth hostel or an organization registered in the Russian Commercial Register. An invitation from a family living in Russia is no longer sufficient, it is necessary to book a tourist service (usually accommodation). This invitation (often for a fee) can be easily arranged by a hotel.

Visa applications are no longer processed directly by the Consulate: you have to go to a visa center for Russia (a VFS, FS Global, or VHS center). It is necessary to make an appointment in advance and to plan at least one month before if you are applying from Paris or Canada. Elsewhere in France, Belgium and Switzerland, count about ten days.

Our clever advice: before leaving, photocopy the documents you are taking with you and leave the copy in France. In the event of loss or theft, the renewal process will be much simpler with the consular authorities. You can also keep copies on the official website create an account and scan all your identity documents in the confidential area.

Driver's license Driver's license Moscow (Москва)

The French driving licence is recognised for a short stay. In order to avoid any difficulties, obtain an international driving licence before your stay (to be presented with the national licence). In case of a prolonged stay of more than 3 months, you will need to obtain the Russian driving licence from the GIBDD (General Road Inspection).

Driving is the same as in France, but roadside checks by the traffic police (D.P.S.) are extremely frequent, even in the absence of a serious offence. There is zero tolerance for drinking and driving and in the event of a control, do not expect any benevolence towards your condition as a foreign tourist.

Health Health Moscow (Москва)

If you are undergoing treatment, make sure you have an appropriate stock for the duration of your stay, as the Russian equivalents of your medication may be less effective.

Smart tip: in Moscow there are several "international" hospitals that welcome you in English and sometimes in French. The website of the French embassy lists a number of French-speaking doctors. Finally, in case of a particular situation, the embassy has a French medical adviser who can be contacted via the consular service.

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination Moscow (Москва)

For your vaccinations, the French government now advises you to update your diphtheria-tetanus-polio, as well as rubella, mumps and especially measles vaccinations before you leave. If you are planning to travel in the Moscow campaign, the preventive vaccination against Central European tick-borne encephalitis is a real plus. Check the official website of the French diplomacy for its updates.

Security Security Moscow (Москва)

Check the official website of French diplomacy for updates on security issues

At the time of writing this guide, it is not advisable to travel to the regions of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and North Ossetia, except for imperative reasons (orange alert).

Always be vigilant always in the Caucasus (yellow vigilance) in the republic of Karachais-Cherkesses

Finally, avoid the border with Ukraine, especially around areas under the control of pro-Russian separatists

Travel insurance: before taking out any additional insurance for your trip, check that you are not already covered by the assistance insurance on your bank card, your employment contract, your home insurance, etc.

Time difference Time difference Moscow (Москва)

Moscow is 2 hours ahead of French time in winter and 1 hour in summer

Spoken languages Spoken languages Moscow (Москва)

Russian is the official language throughout the Federation. Although the city is rapidly becoming internationalized, English is still only spoken by a minority of people whose work is connected with foreign countries and the hotel and restaurant business. French, on the other hand, is spoken by some scholars and high society. If you want to travel more easily, it is recommended that you learn the basics of Cyrillic or take a dictionary with you before you leave.

Communication Communication Moscow (Москва)

The price of telephone calls abroad is constantly falling. It was at the writing of this guide about 10 RUB (0.16 €) per minute for Europe. Phone cards for calling abroad are sold in kiosks of local operators. Check that the instructions for use are in English. Also, your operator will work in Russia, but it is up to you to find out the price. For intra-urban calls choose local operators who offer interesting low rates (SIM cards from 200 RUB), including Internet package.

For the Internet, as everywhere, the arrival of smartphones and Wi-Fi has opened up the possibilities of access to the web. There are quite a few cafes that offer Wi-Fi, but the mandatory identification is usually only possible from a Russian mobile number. Connected Moscow also offers Internet in the metro. All you have to do is register on the site and watch commercial videos.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Moscow (Москва)

Russia uses the same electrical standard as France. In some old buildings, there are still installations to Soviet standards (narrower sockets), but this is rare

The metric system is also the standard in Russia

Luggage Luggage Moscow (Москва)

In summer, bring light clothes and a few sweaters to face the cool nights from August onwards

At the end of spring and beginning of autumn, small wools and above all raincoats are indispensable.

In winter, bring everything that is likely to keep you very warm and nothing fragile. Mud and dust will quickly take care of making your favourite outfit unrecognisable. The most difficult question is that of shoes: the city is covered all winter long with a "brown" snow that dirties shoes and trouser bottoms. The best thing to do is to have furry boots, which you can swap for more elegant shoes when you arrive at work or at people's homes

In any case, think about your swimsuit. Russian baths and saunas are a blessing, especially in very cold weather. Also bring a small kit of medicines, you are not sure to find equivalents in Russia