Time difference Geneva

No time difference, Switzerland and France (like Belgium and Luxembourg) operate on the same time zone and switch to summer and winter time at the same time.

Opening hours Geneva

To see / To do Geneva

Most of the city's museums close on Mondays. So you can plan a weekend getaway to Geneva without the risk of finding the doors closed!

Each museum has its own opening hours to the public, but most open from 10am to 5pm.

Some offer night-time museum discoveries, and in May take part in the Nuit des musées (www.nuitdesmusees-geneve.ch). Further information: museesdegeneve.ch

Enjoying yourself Geneva

Geneva is an international city and each community lives at its own pace. However, restaurant hours are for the most part identical to France. Lunch is between 12 and 2 pm and dinner (or soup) between 7 and 9 pm. The local tendency is to have dinner rather early in the evening.

Lively and cosmopolitan neighborhoods such as Pâquis offer a range of restaurants with international influences that are open quite late.

Please note that many restaurants are closed on Sundays.

Take a break Geneva

Some establishments opt for Monday as their closing day. Bars and pubs close fairly early around 11pm for the most part. The night bars may be open much later. A mid-afternoon snack is customary and the chocolate shops have something to delight you.

(To) please yourself Geneva

The stores are open from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays, everything is closed, except for the shopping malls under the Cornavin station and at the airport. During the end of the year period, some stores may be open on Sunday, especially in Carouge.

The opening hours are from 9 or 10 am to 6 or 7 pm during the week. Thursday is a special day with a nocturne for some stores (shopping centers in general), closing time is 9pm.

Get out Geneva

Clubs generally open from 11.30pm and close between 4am and 5am at weekends. Summer terraces will close at midnight from Sunday to Thursday to combat noise pollution, according to a law passed by the Geneva authorities. They close at 2am at weekends.

Show start times in Geneva vary, between 7:30 and 8:30 pm.