Take the whole family on a wonderful and surprising journey from the ocean floor to Normandy. All ages - 0 to 99! The exhibition Ocean, an unusual dive in Normandy takes visitors on an immersive, interactive journey to discover the mysteries of the ocean and Normandy's maritime assets.

Embark on an exceptional adventure with the "OCEAN, an unusual dive" exhibition in Normandy! This unique exhibition invites you and your family to explore the ocean depths aboard the nautilus, discover fascinating marine species and understand the importance of the ocean. Then set sail for Normandy, with interactive displays, virtual reality games and areas dedicated to seafaring professions. Finish your visit with a convivial moment on the Atrium beach, where young and old can relax and share a moment of creativity and play. Don't miss this Normandy odyssey that's sure to delight the whole family.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm. Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday: 2pm to 6pm.

Full price €7, Reduced price €5, Family price €4. Free for children under 3.
Website: https://atriumnormandie.fr/lexposition-ocean/
E-mail: [email protected]