The Kiosque des Dunes, the town of Barneville-Carterêt and the Editions du Roi barbu offer you the following activities to enchant your ears
A storytelling night
Come along with your seat, bed... and fall asleep listening to stories.
from Friday, July 12, 2024 at 8pm to Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 8am
in front of Carterêt lighthouse - 50270 Barneville-Carterêt
With storytellers
Krystin Vesterälen, Gérard Victor, Benoit Chocart (Normandy), Alain Barnich, Guy Kotovitch (Belgium), Sophie Kluzek (Sarthe), Annie Gossman, Lania (Brittany) , Eléonore Regien (IDF), Cécile Vigouroux (Paris)
Tickets at: Cotentin tourist offices
10 € (adults), 6 € (children 6 to 12), free (0 to 5)
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