The Rocamadour Festival is back for its nineteenth edition!

This year, every note, every melody, every shared moment will resonate with the hope that guides our steps with confidence towards a future inspiring beauty and transcendence.

The first note will resound at the foot of the city with Roberto Alagna, one of the greatest tenors of our time, performing sacred and operatic arias known to all. These melodies, which we have all hummed or sung, carry with them hope and comfort. Next up, the Orchestre Consuelo conducted by Victor Julien-Laferrière offers a masterly rendition of the famous pom pom pom pooomm, Beethoven's fifth symphony of course!

Back to the Basilica with Renaud Capuçon in a piano and string quartet to celebrate the birthday of Fauré, a composer described as a musician of light and hope. Our friends from across the Channel, The Gesualdo Six and Tenebrae Choir, will transport us through two spatialized programs, celebrating hope and inspiring the future, with the quality of which they alone have the secret. For lovers of Baroque music, the Orchestre de l'Opéra Royal de Versailles, conducted by Chloé de Guillebon, will perform Couperin's Leçons de Ténèbres, while the Ensemble Correspondances, under the baton of Sébastien Daucé, will give a recital of Danish court music with viola player Lucile Richardot. Finally, the surprising Bruno de Sá in Pergolesi's famous Stabat Mater alongside Paul Figuier and Les Accents.

It's no coincidence that the Compagnie la Tempête is back to breathe its brilliant spirit into their Azahar program for an extraordinary experience based on Machaut and Stravinsky, when opposites attract, hope shines through. The must-see piano recital features David Fray in the Goldberg Variations, a monumental work in the repertoire. Excursion to the Château de la Treyne, where Eva Zaicik takes us on an Armenian journey. Philippe Herreweghe and the Collegium Vocale Gent perform madrigals by Monteverdi, Marenzio, Rossi... To close the chapter of this 19th edition, Ensemble la Sportelle will provide the highlight of the show, taking us on a journey of peace and hope with Poulenc's Litanies à la Vierge Noire and Fauré's Requiem.

There will also be organ moments by Nicola Procaccini, the young organist who demonstrated his talent in his album Reflets sur l'air for the Rocamadour label, Les Itinérantes will guide you through the night from Earth to Heaven on the Way of the Cross, and tenor Enguerrand de Hys and pianist Paul Beynet will bewitch us with their Contes Mystiques during the day.

This year, every note, every melody, every moment shared will resonate with hope! May this 19th edition of the Rocamadour Festival be a dazzling celebration of confidence and an invitation to embrace the future in music!
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