Laurie Peret may have been known up to now as the overworked, overeager mother, but she leaves that behind to present herself as a single, forty-something woman, and above all to explain how and why she feels good, despite a daily life she describes as "a series of entertaining disasters for which she is solely responsible".
From her inability to keep a house on her own, to the addictions she struggles with every other week, her love of dangerous men and the complex story of her birth, Laurie's steady, effective pace allows her to reveal her weaknesses and frailties with a great deal of self-deprecation.
But despite being "her own worst danger", she's fine.
She's fine because she's met someone for whom it wasn't a given, but with whom she's going to spend the rest of her life: herself.
For her, the date is set, SOON SOMEWHERE.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +330252431050
Further information
Event / Sessions : On 01/09/2025
Date: 2025-01-09 - 2025-01-09
Schedule : 20:00 - 22:00
Price: payant
Age: 12
Contact information :