Since mid-October 2021, the morning show of France Bleu Besançon is live on France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. For this France Televisions has adapted the DTT broadcasting area to be as close as possible to that of the radio (FM). During two hours, from Monday to Friday and from 7 to 9 am, the chronicles and news bulletins follow each other and are illustrated by the images of the teams of France 3. These two news entities complement each other perfectly and thus offer a beautiful vision of what is happening in Franche-Comté. The experience of the field and their respective anchoring thus give relief to the various reports the information given stick to the current events at the moment T. Throughout the day France Bleu also broadcasts on the air and France 3 gives two other appointments at 12 and 19 hours. Wherever you are, stay informed of what is happening in this beautiful region that is Franche-Comté, part of the new large region regrouping the neighboring Burgundy
Frequencies Doubs (25): 97.2 and 102.8
Frequency Jura (39): 103.0
Frequency Haute-Saone (70): 99.4
France 3: Channel 312 TNT