Organize your stay Bali

Money Money Bali

The Indonesian rupiah (Rp) circulates throughout the Indonesian archipelago. The US$ is also widely used as an international currency

When you need to withdraw money with your international card, it is important to choose the right ATM. Indeed, blue ATMs (regardless of the limit of your card) do not deliver more than Rp 1,250,000 per withdrawal, while yellow ATMs - DANAMON - allow you to withdraw up to Rp 2,500,000

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Bali

Per day, per person based on two people (it is more expensive to travel alone)

Small budget. From 400 000 Rp to 600 000 Rp. Accommodation in losmen, meals in local warungs , public transportation, temple visits, surfing..

Medium budget. From 600 000 to 1 000 000 Rp. Air-conditioned room, small car rental, small tourist restaurants, cultural outings and occasional sports activities

Big budget. From 1 000 000 Rp and more. Rental of a large car, night in a charming hotel with swimming pool, diving, trekking or rafting

Passport and visas Passport and visas Bali

You no longer need a tourist visa to go to Bali! It's free for a trip of 30 days (maximum) since July 2015, you just need to be in possession of a passport valid for another six months after your arrival date on the Indonesian territory

Good to know: at the entrance to Bali, there is a 500,000 Rp entry tax.

Driver's license Driver's license Bali

An international driver's license is recommended. You can easily rent a car with a driver or without, if you prefer to drive.

Health Health Bali

Chikungunya. The chikungunya virus is a heat-sensitive RNA arbovirus. The virus is transmitted from human to human by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. After an incubation period of four to seven days, a high fever appears suddenly, accompanied by arthralgia (joint pain), which can be intense, and affecting particularly the extremities (wrists, ankles, phalanges). The evolution of the disease is most often favorable and without sequelae, and in rare cases, it develops into a chronic condition marked by persistent arthralgias that cause disability for several weeks or months

Traveler's diarrhea (tourista). Statistically, one traveler out of two is affected by turista during the first 48 hours of his stay. These diarrheas and intestinal pains are due to poor hygiene, insufficient cooking of food, too much spicy food or, most often, to water. 80% of the diseases contracted while traveling are directly attributable to contaminated water. These illnesses usually disappear within one to three days. Take an antidiarrheal, an intestinal disinfectant and stay well hydrated (no fruit juice). If the diarrhea persists or is accompanied by blood loss or mucus, consult a doctor. To avoid these problems, buy sealed bottles of water, boil water (coffee and tea are "safe" drinks), avoid raw vegetables or unpeeled fruit, avoid ice cubes, don't brush your teeth with tap water, and always carry disinfectant tablets. Before you leave, you can buy Micropur® Forte DCCNa - the only product on the market that purifies water quickly (eliminates bacteria, viruses, giardia and amoebas) and keeps the water safe to drink. There are also Aquatabs® or Hydroclonazone®. The latter is the least expensive but the chlorine taste is very pronounced and only the bacteria are eliminated. For the adventurous, a filter is essential for muddy water. Katadyn® filters meet the needs of these adventurers with several models, including the bottle filter, which provides instant drinking water without pumping (it also eliminates viruses)

Dengue. This virus is quite common in tropical countries and is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the same vector of the Zika virus and chikungunya. Dengue results in a flu-like syndrome (fever, headache, severe joint and muscle pain). There is no preventive treatment. Never take aspirin. As this disease can be fatal, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor in case of fever and to drink water regularly

Japanese encephalitis. Japanese encephalitis is transmitted by a mosquito with nocturnal activity (peaks at dusk and dawn), mainly in rural areas. Depending on the region, transmission is perennial or limited to the rainy or hot season. The disease, initially limited to East and Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, is now spreading to Papua New Guinea and the far north of Australia. Most forms of the disease are symptomless, but it can also cause neurological sequelae and even death

The High Council of Public Health (HCSP) does not recommend routine vaccination but, since September 2013, strongly recommends it for people aged 2 months and older in case of expatriation or stay with outdoor exposure in rural areas (e.g., camping, hiking, cycling, rice fields and flood irrigation areas, outdoor work)

The vaccine is available in France, in vaccination centers under the name of Ixiaro® (2 injections at 28 days interval with a booster 12 to 24 months after the first injection). This vaccination is done by appointment only. Contact the Institut Pasteur medical center at +33 (0)1 45 68 80 88

Avian flu. Avian flu usually affects birds. However, the virus can occasionally be transmitted to humans. In principle, this transmission only concerns people in direct contact with affected animals, but some cases have suggested an exceptional person-to-person transmission. To prevent transmission: avoid high-risk areas such as poultry farms and live animal markets. Avoid direct contact with birds, including chickens, ducks and wild birds. Avoid surfaces contaminated with bird feces or secretions. Observe good hand hygiene and food hygiene. There is no vaccine available. Info' Avian Flu at 0 825 302 302 (0,15 E per minute)

Malaria. Malaria is also called malaria. If you are traveling through a country that is a malaria transmission zone (especially in Africa, but also in all humid and/or equatorial zones), consult your doctor about the appropriate preventive treatment: it differs according to the region, the period of the trip and the person concerned

In addition to pills, reduce the risk of contracting malaria by avoiding mosquito bites (repellent and covering clothing). Between sunset and sunrise, near stagnant water and shaded areas, the risk of being bitten is highest

Rabies. Rabies is still present in the country. It is therefore important to avoid contact with dogs, cats and other mammals that may carry the virus. The first symptoms (phobia of air and water) appear between 30 and 45 days after the bite. Once these symptoms are noticed, death occurs within a few days, in 100% of cases. In case of doubt, following a bite, you must absolutely consult a doctor, who will administer an anti-rabies vaccine associated with an appropriate treatment. The preventive vaccine does not exempt you from curative treatment in case of a bite

Typhoid. Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that results in high fever, febrile diarrhea and confusion. The most severe forms can lead to digestive, neurological or cardiac complications. The incubation period of the disease varies between ten and fifteen days. Contamination occurs through stool or saliva, either directly (contact with a sick person or a healthy carrier) or indirectly (ingestion of contaminated food: raw vegetables, seafood, water and ice cubes). The vaccine is active after two to three weeks and protects you for three years. In case of contamination and if the vaccine is not given as a preventive measure, treatment with fluoroquinolones is recommended

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination Bali

You must think about vaccinations before leaving, sometimes several months in advance. Your vaccinations must be up to date (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis A and B, rabies...). A safety vaccination against yellow fever may also be considered, depending on the duration of the trip. Make an appointment with your doctor or with a doctor at a specialized institute or hospital for specific advice. Advice in a travel guide does not replace the advice of a doctor! For further information, do not hesitate to ask your pharmacist for advice.

Hepatitis B. High risk in the country. Hepatitis B is more serious than hepatitis A. It is contracted through sexual intercourse or blood. The hepatitis B vaccine should be given in two doses, one month apart (although there are accelerated one-month vaccinations for travelers in a hurry), followed by a booster dose six months later to increase the duration of protection.

Hepatitis A. For hepatitis A, prior immunity makes vaccination unnecessary. It is common if you have a history of jaundice, have been abroad for a long time, or are over the age of 45. Hepatitis A is usually mild, but it can be serious, especially after age 45 and if you have pre-existing liver disease. It can be caught through water or poorly washed food. If you have liver disease, vaccination against hepatitis A is highly recommended before any type of trip where hygiene is precarious. It must be done in two doses, but the first injection, one month before departure, is sufficient to ensure protection for a short trip. The second injection (six months to a year later) reinforces the duration of immunity for decades

Security Security Bali

Since the Bali bombings in October 2002 and 2005 and the Jakarta bombings in July 2009 and most recently in January 2016, the country has been very unstable in some areas. These events have deterred many tourists from traveling to Indonesia. However, in Bali, which was hit hard by the bombs twice, you will be welcomed with open arms by a population eager to exchange, deeply open and pacifist

During your stay, it is recommended that you have your passport, your repatriation insurance number, your embassy or consulate phone numbers, your traveler's checks numbers, your bank phone and fax numbers, and your national and international driver's license if you drive. Photocopy your important documents: airline ticket, passport. Keep these documents in two different places.
The safest way is to carry a belt or a discreet pouch around your neck that you can slip under your shirt or T-shirt. In your hotel, beware of the window and the door of the bathroom: close them well. In medium and luxury hotels, use thesafe deposit boxes to keep your belongings safe

Beware of dishonest guides who take you to stores where they charge a percentage. Other guides will charge you exorbitant fees for tours that you could have done on your own. They are usually extremely clingy and you will have a hard time getting rid of them. To choose a guide, take your time and talk to him or her or go through a travel agency. There are licensed guides, ask at the tourist offices

Time difference Time difference Bali

It is 7 hours later in winter in Bali and only 6 hours later in summer. When it is noon in France, it is therefore 7pm in Bali in winter and 6pm in summer

Spoken languages Spoken languages Bali

French is not widely spoken; consider brushing up on your English or quickly learning Indonesian. Bahasa Indonesia was originally the language of a small minority on Java and was imposed by the fathers of independence as a factor in building national identity. The language is not very difficult, and if you learn a few words and expressions, it can be very useful. In tourist areas, English is definitely the lingua franca: in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, books, maps... You will even be surprised in Bali to see how much the young people in the street speak the language of Shakespeare (with a very strong local accent that sometimes makes them difficult to understand). The Balinese are therefore trilingual as they speak Indonesian, English and Balinese. This last language is the least well mastered, because it is based on a convoluted and very peculiar Brahmanic code, and it is very easy to offend someone by making a mistake in the formula to use. This is why everyone prefers to stick to Indonesian, which is more accessible and less risky.

Communication Communication Bali

Wifi connection: generally speaking, in Bali, everyone is hyperconnected, because the majority of establishments have a wifi connection, as long as you have your smartphone, your tablet or your laptop with you.

The national telephone code of Indonesia and therefore Bali is 0062

The area codes in Bali range from 361 to 368 and precede the number

Mobile Prefixes: All numbers that do not have an area code beginning with 36 are mobile. Most mobile numbers start with an 8. A phone number has between 8 and 10 digits, including the 3 digits of the area code

Calling from France to Bali: 00 62 + area code + 5 to 7 digit local number

Calling from Bali to another region of the country: 0 + 3 digits of the area code + local number

Calling from Bali to France: 00 33 + the 9-digit French number

SIM card: Since April 2018, a new law requires all persons wishing to purchase a SIM card to register with

their identity card. It is advisable to buy this card in an XL or TELKOMSEL store at the airport or in town. Offers between 150,000 and 300,000 Rp are available for sale

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Bali

The electricity is 220 volts and the plugs are (normally) identical to those in France. In most cases, the plugs are designed for the different electrical appliances we take on our trip, but sometimes the distance between the holes is different, so think about buying an adapter before your departure. If you are staying in a high-end hotel, don't worry, they will provide you with one. Don't forget a flashlight and batteries as this can be useful in some villages where electricity is scarce.

The weight is calculated in kilograms

Kilometers are used to calculate distances

Luggage Luggage Bali

Travel light! You will find almost everything on the spot and for cheap, and you will be able to bring back many more souvenirs when you come back! An advice by the way: buy quickly a sarong (maximum 100 000 Rp), because it will be very useful. Indeed, its use is mandatory in Balinese temples accompanied by a small belt. In addition, it is important to bring some loose clothing, because outside the major tourist centers, it is necessary to respect the modesty of the Balinese: covered shoulders and pants or skirt below the knee is required. You should also bring a more elegant outfit, as you may be invited to a wedding or a party

Otherwise you can buy a nice Indonesian outfit on the spot(kebaya for women, batik shirt for men).
Finally, rubber sandals can be useful because of the coral present in most swimming areas. The latter is sharp and wounds quickly become infected in these latitudes. A pair of walking shoes will be very useful if you want to go on a trek