Don't wait until the last minute to apply for vacation entitlements or financial aid: whatever organization you might apply to, there are supporting documents to be provided, an overall budget that cannot be stretched, and dates to be respected. The deadlines are often indicated on the websites or by phone. Defining your budget, knowing your rights and anticipating as much as possible are the key words for vacations for disabled travelers. The Little Wise Guy provides you with the addresses of public organizations that offer financial assistance to help you organize and finance your vacation. Private schemes can also be used to supplement public funding. The obligation to be accompanied for certain disabilities often generates additional costs: you will find here different organizations that you can apply to financially compensate for this additional cost.
Public devices
Maisons départementales des personnes handicapées (MDPH)
Whether or not you are a beneficiary of the disability compensation benefit (PCH) or the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH), don't hesitate to contact your Maison départementale des personnes handicapées (MDPH).
PCH or AEEH beneficiary
As part of your personalized assessment plan (human aid section), you can count the time spent with a third party towards your vacation time. The same applies to transportation costs: you can anticipate these and include them in the "additional transportation costs" section. In the "exceptional expenses and specific charges" section, you can also include any holiday-related expenses you can identify. If you are in receipt of AEEH (children and adolescents), you can request a reassessment of your AEEH supplement.
Not in receipt of a benefit or allowance
Each MDPH normally has a Departmental Disability Compensation Fund, the aim of which is to cover all or part of the additional costs associated with disability. To apply, send a letter to your MDPH, describing your vacation plans in detail (distinguishing between costs and additional costs). Beware of the time it takes to process your application: plan ahead!
Caisses d'allocations familiales (CAF)
Recipients with at least one dependent child aged between 2 and 18 can call on their CAF. They can sometimes intervene for minors within the framework of free-time assistance, to allocate a daily amount. Please note that certain conditions must be met, particularly with regard to the family quotient.
Information: or consult your CAF advisor
This scheme was set up to help families with difficulties accessing vacations: these are approved vacation centers that welcome families at preferential rates. Before booking, contact the accommodation to obtain more precise information on the layout of the site, as the site refers to inaccessible locations.
Caisses centrales d'activités sociales (CCAS)
The CCAS can be contacted for exceptional assistance in organizing a vacation: you can claim the right to access to everything for everyone, family respite or the notion of additional costs linked to disability.
Caisses primaires d'assurance maladie (CPAM)
The CPAM have social services that you can call on in application of the law of February 11, 2005, especially in the context of covering the cost of adapted transport.
Local authorities, regional councils (CR) and departmental councils (CD) have social services that you can contact if you need financial support during your stay. Social assistants or social and family economy advisors are on hand to listen to you and help you decide whether your request is admissible.
Aides aux projets vacances (APV)
The Agence nationale des chèques vacances (ANCV), in partnership with the Association des paralysés de France, helps people with motor disabilities and low incomes to go on vacation. However, the ANCV should not be the only organization approached: for any additional costs associated with a companion on the holiday, the MDPH must also be approached, either for PCH beneficiaries, or, for others, the Fonds départemental de compensation. Other public or private service organizations may also be contacted: send your application to your local APF structure (delegation, SAVS, home, etc.), which will forward it to the appropriate commission. The APF structure will be your privileged interlocutor; no application received directly at head office will be processed!
Any person with a motor disability or multiple disabilities, of any age, residing in France and wishing to go on vacation, and able to justify low income, is eligible forthis assistance. The same person may apply for several grants in the same year, up to a maximum of 35 days' vacation in any one year.
Private devices
In addition to public funding schemes, you can also turn to private organizations and/or bodies.
Works councils
Some works councils provide their employees and/or their beneficiaries with a budget line dedicated to the additional costs associated with disability in the vacation budget. You can also ask them to provide vacation vouchers if they are ANCV-approved, of course.
Mutual insurers
Some mutual insurers have a social budget line for their members, designed to meet requests for exceptional assistance: contact your mutual insurer's membership department with a detailed description of your vacation plans.
Charitable associations
Some associations may be able to provide financial support for your vacation project, or present you with one that is within your budget. Here are a few possibilities. Be sure to check the dates of the committees that award grants or stays
Union nationale des associations laïques gestionnaires (UNALG):
Secours populaire:
Secours catholique:
Solidarité laïque:
Jeunesse en plein air: