Stay : A weekend in Kigali

Located at an altitude of 1,500 metres, surrounded by green hills and impeccably clean, Kigali is a pleasant city that you can discover with pleasure and curiosity. The capital, which is being modernized at full speed, is the showcase of a country in the midst of a renaissance. Neither confusing nor insecure, Kigali is one of the top 10 African cities where life is good...

Summary of the stay


Best time to go

Suggested by Petit Futé

3 days

- Good and cheap

All audiences
Culture / Heritage
Adventure / Sports & Leisure
With Quotatrip - tailor-made travel

Where to stay ?

The map of your stay - Rwanda

Detail of the stay : A weekend in Kigali - 3 days

Day 1: Discovery of the city

Visit of the old town and the typical African market of Kimironko. For lunch, you will only have an embarrassment of choice. There are plenty of restaurants. In the afternoon the cultural village Iby Iwacu, where you will be immersed in the history, traditions and culture of Rwanda.

Day 2: Hiking around Kigali

Steps: Kigali

Every Saturday afternoon from 4pm, Hash House Harriers (or H3) organizes hikes around the capital. The outing ends in the evening with a few beers and skewers in a restaurant in the city. A very friendly moment. In the morning visit the Inema Art Center, the contemporary art center of Kigali (you will find masks, jewellery, sculptures, paintings...).

Day 3: Visit of the Kigali memorial

Steps: Kigali

One day excursion to Gisozi. An indispensable visit when you go to Kigali. To better understand the 1994 genocide, let us not forget and pay tribute. 

How to get there

With Quotatrip - tailor-made travel

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