In 2024, a rare opportunity presents itself: a 5-day weekend with just one day off. Find out how just below.

An exceptional opportunity!

Every year, it's possible to enjoy an extended weekend of at least three days thanks to Easter and Whitsun Mondays, commonly observed in most companies. For a 4-day weekend, it's usually sufficient to take a day off on Friday, especially on Ascension Day, which always falls on a Thursday. However, the date of Ascension Day varies from year to year, as it is set 40 days after Easter, according to the lunar calendar.

What makes 2024 particularly unique is that Ascension Day will be preceded by May 8, which commemorates the victory of 1945 and the end of the Second World War in Europe. In May 2024, there will be two public holidays in succession: Wednesday May 8 and Ascension Day on Thursday May 9. So you'll need to mark Friday May 10, 2024 in your diary and quickly request a day off if you want to enjoy five consecutive days of rest. Note that after 2024, you'll have to wait until 2043 for May 8 and Ascension Day to come together again in this way!

Now that you've got that information, all you have to do is decide where to go that weekend. And since we're being nice, here's a link to our dedicatedarticle "Where to go for a weekend in May? Top 13 destinations" to help you find the ideal destination for those 5 days.