Comment voyager éco-responsable ? 10 astuces pratiques© rangizzz - Adobe Stock

CO2 emissions due to tourism represent 5% of the world total. Going on a trip does not mean forgetting your good eco-citizen habits! On the contrary, it means really caring about the environmental impact of flying instead of taking the train, or going jet-skiing instead of hiking. The ecological footprint is a measure of the pressure exerted by humans on the environment. To reduce it as much as possible during your travels, here are our 10 tips.

Take the opportunity to discover our top 10 green destinations in the world.

1. Eat local and in season

© Tetiana Iatsenko -

It's a seemingly basic rule: stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables! They are much better and more economical : the environment and your wallet will thank you. In everyday life as well as when traveling, it is also advisable to give preference to local products. Instead of going to the first international fast-food chain, go to the markets or to small typical restaurants: you will discover new flavors!

2. Second-hand equipment, a second hand on the environment

Acheter d'occasion© Wavebreak3 -

Are you going camping in one of France's many eco-friendly destinations and need all the equipment you can get? Going skiing and need a wetsuit? Buy second hand! Today, many websites allow you to sell objects between individuals: you will easily find what you need while preserving the environment from consumerist excesses. Think also about second hand stores or simply your grandparents' cellar which can be a real Ali Baba's cave!

3. Responsible lodging

Loger responsable© Halfpoint - Adobe Stock

Be careful when choosing your hotel by choosing establishments with an optimal environmental policy. Some labels attest to good ecological behavior, such as "La Clef Verte" which is based on strict criteria. This is also the case for eco-homes or "Gîtes Panda WWF". But the best way to reduce your environmental footprint is to stay with local people for a trip that is even richer in encounters!

4. Reduce your waste

Petite fille qui boit dans sa gourde© Unregardphotographie - Adobe Stock

Reducing waste when traveling is important, so consider sustainable gear before you leave. To avoid accumulating plastic bottles in areas where it is not advisable to drink running water, get a filtering water bottle for example. For hygiene, fill your own container with shower gel or shampoo. Also avoid using plastic bags or single-serving packages when you are hungry. In short: travel light!

5. Favoring ground transportation

Femme prenant le train© Sotnikov Misha -

If the plane is essential to reach the most distant destinations, it is extremely polluting, especially during the take-off phase. Therefore, we prefer to travel directly and avoid air transport for domestic travel. You save 1.6 tons ofCO2 per airplane trip! Take your time and prefer to travel by train or bus which are much more ecological. Take the opportunity to discover our top 10 eco-friendly destinations in Europe.

6. Paying carbon compensation

Femme devant un ordinateur© iana_kolesnikova - Adobe Stock

Travelling is moving, and transport inevitably pollutes! To try to counterbalance this phenomenon, some companies propose to their customers to pay a sum proportional to their journey to finance environmental projects. If this system is not proposed to you at the time of purchase, you can also do it independently on the Internet thanks to numerous carbon compensation platforms. A great way to travel in a useful way!

7. Protect yourself without damaging your skin

Petite fille mettant de la crème solaire© milanmarkovic78 - Adobe Stock

Sunscreen is a vacation essential as it protects the skin from harmful rays. However, seas and oceans are strongly damaged by its use. Indeed, swimming for twenty minutes means pouring 1/4 of the chemical components of your sunscreen into the water. The consequences on marine ecosystems are beginning to be felt and it is high time to act by using only organic creams that are respectful of the oceans and the environment, ideal for the skin. Avoid aerosol sunscreens that contain harmful ingredients and release some of their substance into the air and sand. Also remember to wait at least 30 minutes before going swimming: this gives your skin time to absorb your sunscreen and thus prevent it from being dispersed in the water.

8. Avoiding polluting activities

Éviter les activités polluantes© Brickrena -

Caught up in the fever of discovery, travelers often want to practice all the activities available to them, despite their ecological convictions. We will not stop repeating it, avoid the most polluting practices such as jet-skiing or snowmobiling which are real dangers for the environment! It is the same for the various excursions organized on the back of elephants or dromedaries... Are you sure that the animals are well treated?

9. Adapting your water consumption

Adapter sa consommation d'eau© MNStudio -

When traveling, as in everyday life, it is advisable to reduce your water consumption by being attentive to your real needs. Between hygiene, cooking and pool water, a holidaymaker could consume up to 880 liters of water per day! If you are staying in a hotel, tell the room staff, for example, not to change the sheets and towels every day. These precautions are all the more important when you travel to the most arid areas of the world.

10. We wear out our shoes!

On use ses souliers !© nd3000 -

Limiting the use of the car is one of the first measures to take when you want to reduce your ecological footprint, both when traveling and in your daily life. For the shortest trips, favor cycling, walking or public transport. If you really need to use your car, think about eco-driving: don't overload your vehicle and avoid sudden gear changes to use less fuel. Carpooling is also a very good initiative to spend less money... andCO2!