The true story of Bambi is 100 years old. This novel by Felix Salten was published in 1923. To celebrate this anniversary, it's time to rediscover this fascinating story, revised by Michel Larrieu for the text and illustrated by Michaël Cailloux. Bambi, the true story" is a touching adaptation of the original novel. The themes evoked - the vulnerability of youth, the relationship between man and nature and the fragility of the ecological balance - still resonate today. The book ends with "Bambi, the improbable success of a dark story", an article by Kathryn Schulz in the New Yorker about the book burning by the Nazis, who saw Bambi's story as an allegory for the fate ofEurope's Jews. For further information, click here.
Reading tip: "Bambi, the true story", revisited and modernized
Updated on 11/11/2023
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