When you go on holiday, you tend to come home with a few extra pounds, which makes the return to reality even more depressing... However, it is possible to avoid getting fat on holiday. Here are 10 tips developed with the nutritionist Philippe Azoulay to avoid gaining a gram during your stay!

Avoid snacks at fast food restaurants, petrol stations or the airport

Prepare a little homemade picnic for the ride. It's much healthier and friendlier! Tip +: a sandwich with wholemeal bread, raw vegetables, poultry white will be preferable to the traditional ham butter or tuna mayonnaise.

At aperitif time, chips, peanut booze are your enemies!

Favour olives, cherry tomatoes, vegetable dips. Accompany it with a fresh lemonade served in a nice cocktail glass, it's even healthier.

Tip + : vegetable dips can be accompanied by light sauces:

white cheese with mustard, curry or any other spices and condiments.

At the restaurant, choose between starter + main course or main course + dessert.

Ask that your sauces be served separately to control quantities. Indulge yourself on the plate but avoid nibbling on the bread, which gives only relative pleasure and which quickly accumulates on your hips..

Tip + : Ask yourself the right question: "What can be the least rich and that makes me fall for this card? »

What could be more tempting than a taste of everything at the hotel buffet?

Above all, enjoy a large mixed salad accompanied by grilled meats and finish with a seasonal fruit if you don't have dairy products available

Tip + : Serve yourself in a dessert plate which will limit the quantity while satisfying your vision with this full plate. If possible, use small cutlery to eat less quickly, which will give you time to reach satiety.

For those who go to the seaside

It's time to stock up on fresh fish, crustaceans and shellfish! Tip +: Replace the traditional mayonnaise with a light version based on low-fat cottage cheese to which you will add a crushed cooked egg yolk and mustard

Knock yourself out!

Yes, we can eat well and enjoy ourselves! Give priority to quality rather than quantity, to rarity rather than repetition, and above all, take the time and enjoy!

Tip + : It is better to drink a single glass of a very good wine, more expensive, but which your palate will appreciate and which will bring you fewer calories than several glasses of an average and cheaper wine .

It takes about 30 minutes for our brain to receive the information of satiety

So make yourself comfortable and give yourself time to eat. Tip +: Take the time to share this moment of conviviality with your family and friends!

Take advantage of your vacation to resume even moderate physical activity

Walking, swimming, cycling... Move to increase your energy expenditure.

Tip +: Fast walking... your slimming ally.

Drink plenty of still, sparkling water

but be careful in some countries check the source of the water which can be a source of tourista. Tip +: Ask the waiter to open the bottle in front of you.

Fruits and vegetables are healthy summer foods

But never forget to wash them well, especially if you don't peel them, as they can be a source of poisoning through the passage of pollutants (pesticides, mercury, etc.).

Tip +: Eat your fruit at a distance from meals (1 hour before or 3 hours after) to avoid favouring the storage of sugars and fats from your meal