Time difference Togo

Togo is on GMT + 0, with a time difference of 1 hour in winter and 2 hours in summer. So when it's 10 a.m. in Paris, it's 8 a.m. (in summer) or 9 a.m. (in winter) in Lomé.

Opening hours Togo

To see / To do Togo

To discover the country's reserves and protected areas, it's advisable to get up at the crack of dawn to explore the forest and have the best possible chance of observing the wildlife. As for the country's few museums, they are generally open Monday to Friday, 9am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Some can be visited on Saturday mornings.

Enjoying yourself Togo

The restaurants serve from noon to 3pm and from 7pm to 10pm, or even 11pm. Some are closed on Mondays, others are only open in the evening.

Take a break Togo

Bars and cafés are generally open all day from 8 or 9 am, until 11 pm, or even 1 am for some. At cocktail time, some establishments offer happy hours. In the big cities, like Lomé, Kpalimé or Sokodé, some bars organize concerts of local bands.

(To) please yourself Togo

Opening and closing times are very flexible in Togo. Some shopkeepers open all day (8:30am to 4:30pm-5pm), while others close at lunchtime (between noon and 2:30pm-3pm). Government offices are generally open from 8:30am to midday and from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Few stores stay open past 6pm.

Get out Togo

In Lomé and in the few big cities of the country, clubs and discotheques open from 10-11pm, and this until the early morning!