What budget for activities and outings Cameroon?

If you're staying in the city, you'll quickly find yourself looking for pedestrian areas and green spaces in which to stroll. In fact, urban facilities are often not really conducive to pedestrian traffic, as sidewalks are either obstructed or too damaged to be walked on peacefully. That's why larger parks are so popular with families, who go there for walks or exercise.

Where there's a deal, there's a negotiation! Considered the country's national sport after elbow greasing, there's no transaction without a good negotiation. So don't hesitate to divide your money into different pockets, so as not to let the other person get an idea of your budget. A few small bills in your pocket to prove your "good faith" will make you a credible negotiator and help you obtain lower prices.

When it comes to "binge drinking", as the locals still say, there's something for everyone! Numerous bars and maquis colonize the city sidewalks, serving locally brewed beers and sweet sodas. A nearby brazier is always a must, and fish is grilled as soon as night falls. Many chic restaurants are also open, offering imported products and elaborate cocktails in hushed atmospheres. They are much more expensive, but well air-conditioned, and the mosquitoes won't get in the way!

What budget to eat Cameroon?

Local street food is an integral part of Cameroonian life. So you'll find a number of stalls offering mostly salty snacks to eat on the go: spicy omelettes, meat kebabs, grilled corn and safou (safou is a small purple fruit that is eaten grilled and salted), avocado sandwiches, but also fresh fruit and peeled oranges... These on-the-go nibbles are inexpensive, but fragile stomachs beware.

Numerous open-air maquis offer kebabs and cold drinks for under 2,000 FCFA, all in a 100% local atmosphere.

What is the budget for accommodation Cameroon?

The problem of accommodation will not be the same if you land in Douala or Yaoundé. Indeed, for longer stays, the price of furnished apartment rentals can be attractive in Yaoundé, whereas finding accommodation in Douala can be a real challenge. However, there are still a few hotels of decent standing that are open to negotiating room rates, depending on the length of your stay.

The possibility of booking a furnished apartment via certain applications is beginning to emerge more and more.

Travel budget Cameroon and cost of living

Living to European standards in Cameroon can be very expensive, and as such, you'll need to set aside a sizeable budget for "modern", secure accommodation. Even if finding good deals through local contacts remains the best way to save money, more and more modern solutions (furnished apartments, Airbnb...) are appearing on the market, especially in the big cities. Of course, the closer you get to the local way of life, the more you can get by on a budget. Without compromising on secure accommodation, don't hesitate to be more daring with the rest.