Opening hours Cameroon

To see / To do Cameroon

The future belongs to those who get up early! In Cameroon, as in all the countries of equatorial Africa, life begins in the wee hours of the morning, often before daybreak! Buses leaving for the country's main roads, markets being set up, schools opening or simply morning rituals, life begins at 5 a.m. and the early hours of the morning are ideal for hitting the road or embarking on hikes and excursions into the wilderness.

Enjoying yourself Cameroon

In town, food is available at all hours of the day and night. Restaurants operate to traditional service hours, while small stalls and open-air stands operate around the clock. In the morning, fritters with red beans in sauce and corn porridge are served, and from midday onwards, fish and chicken are braised late into the night.

Take a break Cameroon

Cafeterias open around 7am, serving coffee, tea and fresh fruit. Small kiosks sell instant coffee for 200 FCFA a cup, and gas stations offer coffee and croissants from the early hours of the morning. Bars, meanwhile, open their doors at the end of the day and stay open until late into the night.

(To) please yourself Cameroon

Local craft markets generally open a little later than others, around 10am. They are open from Monday to Saturday and usually close before nightfall (i.e. before 6pm).

Get out Cameroon

Every Cameroonian city has its own nightlife. Of course, the big cities offer a considerable choice of restaurants, bars, cabarets and theaters, but in general, it's never difficult to find a place to have a drink in Cameroon. Throughout the week, nightclubs open at around 7pm and run until midnight from Monday to Thursday, and on Fridays and Saturdays some may stay open until the early hours.