What to see, what to do Cameroon?

The 10 good reasons to go Cameroon


A land of celebrations

Cameroonians love to party! Music, song and dance are part of everyday life.


Exceptional wildlife

From elephants to gorillas, felines to birds, Cameroon is home to a wealth of wildlife.


Fish-filled waters

Barracudas, carp and skippers, waters teeming with fish that delight anglers.


A relatively stable country

As a stable African country, Cameroon is a safe destination.


Nuanced landscapes

The richness and diversity of Cameroon's landscapes offer exceptional panoramas.

Culinary treasures

Local products and traditional recipes, Cameroonian gastronomy is full of flavors.


Superb beaches

The seaside resort of Kribi is lined with golden sandy beaches as far as the eye can see.


Remarkable cultural wealth

Discovering the country's 250 ethnic groups is a human adventure!


Humor in all its forms

Outspoken and outspoken, Cameroonians love to smile and, above all, to laugh!


A variety of crafts

From wooden masks to Bamoun bronze sculptures, discover the wonders of handicrafts!

What to visit Cameroon?

Interview: My Cameroon

by Pauline Roussey

Born to a Cameroonian mother and a French father, Pauline spent her childhood in Africa. With her degree in literature in hand, she set off to rediscover Cameroon, where she rediscovered the memories of her youth, mixed with a more modern way of life and a youthful, vibrant culture. She worked there with her family for several years. Now back in touch with her origins and still fascinated by the country's cultural richness, Pauline returns regularly to share her experience.

See the video of the interview

Good to know to visit Cameroon

Timetable Timetable

The future belongs to those who get up early! In Cameroon, as in all the countries of equatorial Africa, life begins in the wee hours of the morning, often before daybreak! Buses leaving for the country's main roads, markets being set up, schools opening or simply morning rituals, life begins at 5 a.m. and the early hours of the morning are ideal for hitting the road or embarking on hikes and excursions into the wilderness.

To be booked To be booked

Access to the National Parks can be complicated depending on the season, and the services of a guide and sometimes a ranger are also required. Organizing these excursions in advance is essential to ensure that you can visit the parks in good conditions.

Tourist traps Tourist traps

It is advisable to use local tourist agencies or tourist information offices to obtain the services of an experienced guide. Beware of improvised guides who are more interested in extracting the maximum amount of money from you than in providing you with a real experience of the area.

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