Organize your stay Rwanda

Money Money Rwanda

The national currency is the Rwandan franc, or Frw for short. The Rwandan franc is available in banknotes of 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000 Frw, and in coins of 100 Frw.
The value of the Rwandan franc fluctuates according to the value of the euro and the US dollar. 1 € = 1,224 Frw (April 2023).

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Rwanda

Traveling to Rwanda can be expensive without a minimum of organization. The smallest budgets will get by with 50 € per day, but it can quickly climb, especially if one of the objectives of the trip is to go and meet the gorillas! An eleven-day trip can cost around €5,000 per person, including: round-trip flights from Europe, visa, accommodation in single rooms in comfortable hotels, meals in quality restaurants, car rental, and visits to the three main attractions: Akagera National Park, Nyungwe Forest, and Volcanoes National Park, where some prices are prohibitive (a gorilla permit now costs US$1,500 for international visitors). Prices drop sharply if you opt for public transportation, cheap or mid-range hotels and... if you give up the gorillas.

Passport and visas Passport and visas Rwanda

Since 2020, nationals of member countries of the African Union, the International Organization of the Francophonie and the Commonwealth are exempt from visa fees for tourist visas (single entry) for Rwanda. French nationals can obtain a free tourist visa on arrival in Rwanda with a maximum validity of 30 days (single entry). They must renew their application each time they leave the country.
French nationals (as well as nationals of EAC, Francophonie and Commowealth member countries) who wish to extend their tourist stay in Rwanda can apply for an extension for an additional month (US$50), renewable twice. The maximum duration of a tourist stay, without leaving the territory, is ninety days.

If you plan to visit the neighboring countries (Uganda and Kenya), you can apply for a single tourist visa for the three countries (East Africa Visa), valid for three months. It costs 100 US$ and the request must be made, in this case, before your arrival, at the embassy of the country in which you will stay first, the validity is automatic for the two other countries. For Rwanda, the application is made on the Irembo website: https:// If you are going to Kenya first, then go to

A passport valid for at least six months with a visa is required for Belgian, French and Swiss nationals.
Information available on the website of the Directorate General of Emigration and Immigration:

Driver's license Driver's license Rwanda

The European driving license is sufficient if you stay a limited time. Driving is on the right. The road network is generally in excellent condition. This means that you can get to each end of the country in one morning. In general, the tourist opts for the rental of a vehicle with driver. This choice offers a double advantage: having a translator and enjoying the landscape. Rwanda is a relatively easy country, in terms of driving and traffic, compared to other African countries. Moreover, given the incredible number of speed cameras installed in the country, speeding is rare. However, in Kigali (if only to find your way around the city, from one neighborhood to another, from one hill to another) and on the tracks (which are also numerous in Kigali and as soon as you stray from the main roads), it is best to be used to off-road driving, as it can be quite sporty (especially during the rainy season). Travelers with no experience of driving in Africa will have more peace of mind with a driver-guide. When renting a vehicle, the driver's salary is included. In general, the owner is expected to provide for his travel expenses (food and lodging). Some hotels provide accommodation for the drivers. At the end of your rental, it is customary to offer your driver a tip, the amount of which is up to you.

Health Health Rwanda

To receive advice before your trip, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. You can also contact the travel medicine society of the Pasteur Institute medical center at 01 45 68 80 88 (www. or visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website under the heading "Advice to travelers" (

Anti-Covid-19 measures. Vaccination is recommended, but not required, for entry into Rwanda. Covid-19 testing is no longer a requirement before boarding a flight to Rwanda, nor is it required upon arrival. However, as of December1, 2022, Covid tests were still required in national parks. These are available at health facilities and other designated sites. The cost for rapid antigen tests is 5,000 Frw (or US$5) and for PCR tests (required for gorilla and chimpanzee treks) 50,000 Frw (or US$50). Face masks are no longer mandatory in Rwanda, but their use is encouraged in indoor public places.

Malaria. Malaria, also known as malaria, is rampant in Rwanda, especially along Lake Kivu. Fortunately, mosquito nets are widely available. Anti-malarial treatment should be prescribed. Consult your doctor for the appropriate preventive treatment: it differs according to the region, the period of the trip and the person concerned. Avoiding treatment is possible if your stay is less than seven days (and provided that you can consult a doctor in case of fever within a month of your return) In addition to pills, reduce the risk of contracting malaria by avoiding mosquito bites (repellent and covering clothing). Between sunset and sunrise, near stagnant water and shaded areas, the risk of being bitten is highest.

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination Rwanda

It is advisable to be up to date with your vaccinations, to add the yellow fever vaccine, which is no longer mandatory for travelers from Europe or the United States, and the meningitis vaccine, which is recommended. The vaccine against hepatitis A is systematically recommended by the Pasteur Institute.

Security Security Rwanda

Rwanda is one of the safest countries in Africa, but there is no need to be provocative by walking around with your Rolex, plan to put your valuables in a safe, even in the big hotels. Thefts are numerous and thieves are quick.

Drugs: the use of drugs is punishable by imprisonment from three months to five years; the production, importation and trafficking of drugs are punishable by six months to ten years imprisonment.

Sexuality: A country with conservative views on sexuality. Examples of penalties include: indecent assault (one to twenty years in prison depending on the circumstances and the age of the minor). Public indecency (including distribution of pornographic material): eight days to one year. Incitement to prostitution: six months to five years imprisonment. Adultery: from one to six months imprisonment (including for the accomplice). Cohabitation and civil union are not recognized. Homosexuality is not criminally prohibited, but it is hardly socially accepted.

Habits and customs: the native population is naturally reserved. You should avoid approaches and questions that are too direct.

Single women on a trip. Female travelers will feel much more comfortable in Rwanda than in other countries. Many young Western women travel around Kigali and the provinces without ever being bothered or harassed. Gender equality is one of the spearheads of the new Rwanda, and the role that women have played since the genocide is respected by their compatriots. Finally, the dangers that women face are the same as those faced by men, such as robbery at gunpoint, committed on unlit roads at night. It is better to avoid them. As for what to wear and what parts to hide or not, just follow the example of Rwandan women.

General advice. For the latest information on security in the country, consult the "Advice to travelers" section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (www.diplomatie.gouv. fr/en/advice-to-travelers/) or the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Be aware, however, that these sites provide an exhaustive list of potential dangers and that this sometimes gives a somewhat alarmist picture of the real situation in the country.

Time difference Time difference Rwanda

Rwanda is at GMT + 2 hours. In summer, it is at the same time as France and Belgium. In winter, it is 1 hour ahead.

Spoken languages Spoken languages Rwanda

Kinyarwanda, English, French and Swahili are the official languages of Rwanda. Rwandans have turned overwhelmingly to English, and most speak English more readily than French, especially among the young, but French has not been completely abandoned and you will encounter many French speakers (about 6% of the population). Moreover, since diplomatic relations with France have been normalized, the practice of French seems to be returning, including among young people, especially in the tourism sector. In the countryside, knowing a few basic words in Kinyarwanda will be a plus.

On the Internet, a few sites can help you make your first sentences:, or

Communication Communication Rwanda

Landline: All landline numbers have ten digits and always begin with +252. There is no area code. Note that landline numbers are less and less used.

Cell phone: all numbers have ten digits. The price of communications has been democratized, promotions are numerous and the network coverage has clearly improved, even in the remote hills. It is best to buy a SIM card when you arrive.

Internet. Wifi is widespread, in hotels, cafes and restaurants. It is also possible to buy a 4G Sim card from MTN and charge it for a day, a week, etc.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Rwanda

The current is 230 V and 50 Hz. The sockets are the same as in France. Power cuts can occur, so you might as well take precautions for your computers and lighting.

Luggage Luggage Rwanda

It is advisable to bring spring clothing and don't forget to bring a sweater or fleece or jacket for the evenings and relatively cool nights. In the volcano areas, rainfall is heavier and temperatures less clement. Above 3,000 m, it often freezes at night. Visitors to Volcano Park should therefore bring a good sweater or fleece, a waterproof jacket and good waterproof walking shoes. In the city, it is fashionable to dress appropriately, decently and cleanly. Think about long sleeves for the evenings (mosquitoes).