Time difference Madagascar
The time difference is as follows: plus 1 hour in summer (9am in Paris = 10am in Tana), plus 2 hours in winter (9am in Paris = 11am in Tana).
Opening hours Madagascar
To see / To do Madagascar
In general, museum hours are as follows: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm.
Enjoying yourself Madagascar
The opening hours are similar to those in France, and the closing days are sometimes on Sunday.
Take a break Madagascar
Bars and cafes are generally open all day, from 8 or 9 am until 5 or 10 pm, sometimes later depending on the place.
(To) please yourself Madagascar
In general, the stores are open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6/7pm, sometimes also on Sundays, ask for information on site!
Markets are held regularly several times a week in all cities of Mada.
Get out Madagascar
Fridays and Saturdays are the two most festive nights in Madagascar, but depending on the activity of the city, some nightlife establishments are open every night.