Time difference Brazil
The time difference between France, Switzerland or Belgium and Brazil can range from 3 to 5 hours, depending on summer or winter schedules and time zones. When you arrive in Rio, you'll need to set your watch back (when it's 3pm or 5pm in Paris, Geneva or Brussels, it's midday in Rio).Brazil spans three time zones: the South, Sudeste, Nordeste and the eastern part of the North and Central West are at GMT-3h, while the rest of the country is at GMT-4h, with the exception of Acre and the extreme west of Amazonas, which are at GMT-5h.
In practical terms: when it's 3pm or 5pm in Paris, Geneva or Brussels, it's midday in Rio; it's 10am in Montreal and 3am in French Polynesia. Almost the whole country lives on Brasilia and Rio de Janiero time, except Boa Vista, Cuiabà, Manaus and Porto Velho; in the west, it's an hour earlier. When it's noon in Rio, it's 11 a.m. in Manaus.