Time difference Russia
There is 2 hours ahead of French time in winter and 1 hour ahead of French time in summer, for the regions of European Russia. The Volga-Ural region is at UTC + 4 or + 5, Irkutsk at UTC + 8 (7 hours ahead of France, 5 hours ahead of Moscow), Vladivostok at UTC + 10 and finally Kamchatka at UTC + 12, just before the date change line.
Opening hours Russia
To see / To do Russia
Those indicated on the Internet (Google or Yandex) are generally reliable, but it is better to check the official sites of museums and points of interest, if only to find out the full timetable for a week or a month, as some days may see an establishment closed on an exceptional basis. Out of season, schedules are generally restricted: they open 1 hour later and close 1 hour earlier than in the summer, and there may be more days when they are closed.
Beware of the sanitarnyï den': it is the 'sanitary closing day' of museums and certain points of interest. It takes place once a month, always on the same day depending on the place (for some museums it is the first Wednesday of the month, for others the second Thursday, etc.). It is unlikely to happen, but it is best to check in advance!
Finally, as everywhere, you should not go to the ticket office less than an hour before closing time, otherwise you will be refused entry. In small structures (regional museums in particular), it is very common for staff to observe a lunch break during which the establishment will be closed (between 1 and 2 p.m. for example).
Enjoying yourself Russia
The catering sector is only loosely regulated in Russia and most establishments stay open very late, often until midnight, even for classic restaurants. There is also the possibility of being served at any time of the day. On the other hand, the opening is also a little later, on the 11 o'clock shots. Thus, to drink a coffee in the morning, you will have to go to a dedicated coffee shop rather than the local bistro.
Take a break Russia
Gourmet shops (pastry shops, chocolate shops, etc.), cafés, are generally open every day, from morning until the end of the day if there is no catering service as such. Many pubs, brasseries (in the strict sense) and evening bars open their doors from 11am or midday, sometimes from 6pm, until late at night (1-2 hours on weekdays, until 4am or more on Friday-Saturday). Mondays and Tuesdays are frequent closing days (if there are any). Tip: Always check the schedule on Yandex.Maps or the establishment's Instagram account.
(To) please yourself Russia
The usual shops open around 10am and never close before 8pm. For the big brands, it can easily be 9pm or 10pm. The usual closing day is Sunday, but many shops stay open. Supermarkets open from 8am and close around 10pm, and some stay open all night, as do many small grocery stores (even in the most remote villages).
Get out Russia
Nightclubs are usually open until at least 6am. The opening time varies according to the type of establishment: rather bar-box open in the early evening, with concerts, or rather club that is active on the strokes of 11pm to midnight.