Enjoying yourself Japan
Timetable Japan
The hours are random. If some restaurants serve continuously from 11am to midnight, the smaller ones have reduced hours: 11am-2pm for lunch, 6pm-10pm for dinner. Others remain open but no longer serve lunch after 2pm and offer a different menu.
Budget & Tips Japan
Expect to pay between ¥900 and ¥1,500 for a bowl of noodles or a small platter of sushi. There are water vending machines everywhere, but it's much cheaper to have a reusable bottle that you fill up in parks, shopping malls or train stations. Water is drinkable everywhere (unless otherwise stated). Tax is 8% on takeaway orders and 10% on the premises.
What costs extra Japan
Prices are usually quoted with and without taxes (10%). There are no nasty surprises at the checkout and no tipping is tolerated. A glass of fresh water or barley tea is always offered upon arrival, as well as a small towel to dry your hands. Payment is made at the cashier's desk when you leave. In small restaurants, a machine allows you to choose your dish and pay at the entrance. You then receive a ticket that you give to the waiter.
The local way Japan
The type of cutlery in Japan depends on the menu. Most restaurants serving Japanese food will have only chopsticks, but a curry restaurant will have spoons. The portions can be quite small. Sometimes there is the possibility of getting a free refill of rice or the option of oomori, which is a larger portion of rice or pasta.
To be avoided Japan
Some rules about chopstick use: don't stick your chopsticks in your dish, don't point your chopsticks at someone or something, and don't cross your chopsticks with another person's.
Kids Japan
Smaller restaurants may not allow children into the restaurant, but most of them welcome them. Chairs and children's menus are often available.
Smokers Japan
The law changed not so long ago. Since April 2020, smoking has been banned inside restaurants, with the exception of small bars and gargotes run by a single person or a family, which have a smaller footprint. However, some restaurants and hotels have designated smoking areas.
Tourist traps Japan
In busy neighborhoods, restaurants are often upstairs. Hustlers call out to passers-by on the street to invite them upstairs. It is better to check the menu and the prices before letting yourself be taken.
Take a break Japan
Timetable Japan
Opening times vary enormously. Many bars also serve coffee during the day from 11am. Bars that only open in the evening usually do so around 5pm. Most cafés close between 8pm and 10pm, and bars close at 2am at the earliest.
Budget & Tips Japan
Expect to pay at least ¥600 for a beer. Although more and more establishments accept credit cards, it's best to carry cash when going to small bars. Many bars offer happy hours between 5pm and 7pm.
Age restrictions Japan
Consumption of alcohol by minors (under 20) is prohibited. However, it is not against the law for minors to enter bars, and it remains at the discretion of the establishment.
What's very local Japan
The izakaya are located between the restaurant and the bar. They serve small dishes like tapas, all washed down with alcohol. More spacious than bars, they can easily accommodate groups.
Smokers Japan
Since April 2020, smoking has been banned inside restaurants, with the exception of small bars and gargotes run by a single person or a family (very many).
Tourist traps Japan
Bars or theme cafés sometimes charge an entrance fee or table charge in addition to the drinks. The amount should always be specified on arrival.