Time difference Bolivia
Local time is GMT -4, so there's a 5-hour time difference with France in winter (when it's 8pm in Paris, it's 3pm in La Paz) and 6 hours in summer.
Opening hours Bolivia
To see / To do Bolivia
National museums are generally open Tuesday to Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm and 3pm to 7pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 1pm. Private museums may have slightly different opening hours. Churches are open from dawn to dusk.
Enjoying yourself Bolivia
Restaurant opening times vary widely. Traditional restaurants are open as in France, for lunch and dinner, often with a weekly closing day (or two), usually Sunday (restaurants open on Sunday evenings in La Paz are rare). Small local restaurants are open for a single service eight hours a day. If restaurants open early in the morning, they close around 2pm. Those that open late in the morning provide service until around 7pm. And then there are those that open around 5pm and close late into the evening. Restaurants catering to tourists are generally open every day, from morning to evening, without interruption. In Uyuni, the town on the Salar, most restaurants are only open in the evening, as during the day travellers are out on excursions... Market comedors are generally open from morning until 2 or 3 pm.
Take a break Bolivia
Cafés are open during the day and close in the late afternoon, or in the early evening in larger cities. Bars generally open from late afternoon until late at night.
(To) please yourself Bolivia
Shops are generally open Monday to Saturday from 9am to midday and from 2pm to 6:30pm. In the Oriente, shops are open in the morning, but sometimes close around midday because of the heat, and don't reopen until around 4pm. Shops around tourist sites are generally open without interruption.
Get out Bolivia
Bars generally open around 5 or 6pm and close between 1 and 2am. Peñas, where Andean musicians perform, open around 7 or 8pm for dinner and a show. Clubs open around 9 or 10pm and close at 4am (although some extend the pleasure)... And don't forget: by law, all establishments are forbidden to sell alcohol after 4am.