Time difference Costa Rica
GMT minus 6 hours, i.e. minus 7 hours in winter compared to France, Belgium and Switzerland, and minus 8 hours in summer. Minus 1 hour compared to Montreal.
Opening hours Costa Rica
To see / To do Costa Rica
In Costa Rica, opening hours for museums, theaters, stores and other establishments are generally the same as in Europe. However, the opening hours of national parks and reserves vary according to the season. Generally speaking, parks, refuges and other reserves start to receive visitors at 6 a.m., the last visitors are accepted until 3 p.m. and the park closes at 4 p.m. Some parks also close one day a week in low season for regeneration and maintenance. In high season, avoid visiting the parks at weekends, book your entry early and start early in the morning.
Enjoying yourself Costa Rica
Restaurant opening hours are much the same as in France. But beware: in Costa Rica, we adapt to the rhythm of the sun, and some restaurants may close as early as 8pm. So be sure to ask before you go. In tourist areas, restaurants stay open until 10pm. Mealtimes in Costa Rica are also slightly different from those in France. Ticos generally rise and set with the sun. Rather early risers, Costa Ricans get up around 5-6am and then have a breakfast of champions, which is quite copious to say the least! A quick, light snack is quickly swallowed by midday. To round off the day, dinner starts at 5pm.
Take a break Costa Rica
Most bars and clubs come alive on weekends, but the crowds don't usually leave until 10 or 11 pm. Once the party's underway, closing times vary widely. Some places close at 2 a.m., but others, such as beach clubs and other open-air structures, may close later.
(To) please yourself Costa Rica
Opening hours in Costa Rica are pretty much the same as in Europe, with one small difference: shops open earlier and generally close earlier than in France. Stores generally open from 8am to midday and from 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings. In major cities, shops are open continuously from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday. Some supermarkets and malls in San José are open daily from 9am-10am to 7pm-8pm. On tourist sites, shops sometimes stay open later in the evening, as well as on Sundays and public holidays.
Get out Costa Rica
Costa Rica has a very lively nightlife: generally from Thursday to Monday bars, clubs and discos open their doors and welcome a crowd of night owls motivated to party. However, the country is not as festive as some of its neighbors and some places close early (around 2am). In San José, the capital, and on the beaches of the coast, the potential for nightlife is more numerous than in the interior.