
The period from April to June is the most interesting for city tours and mountain hikes. It's true that April is still chilly, with average temperatures between 5°C (at night) and 19°C in Skopje, 5-17°C in Bitola and Ohrid, 6-19°C in the Kavadarci wine region and between -7°C and 4°C in the Korab, the country's highest mountain range. In April, you can enjoy snowshoeing or ski-touring on the high plateaus of Mavrovo National Park. May is a pleasant month, with average temperatures between 10 and 24°C in Skopje, 9-22°C in Bitola, 9-21°C in Ohrid and 11-24°C in Kavadarci, but only between -4°C (at night) and 7°C in the Korab. But don't forget your raincoat. Spring also sees the heaviest rainfall, with between ten and fifteen days of rain per month in April and May, depending on the region. It even snows occasionally in the highest mountain ranges in April.


The period between July and September is not necessarily ideal for visiting Skopje (suffocating) and cities in general, as average temperatures are so high. In July and August, the hottest months of the year, they oscillate between 15°C (at night) and 31°C in Skopje, 14-30°C in Bitola, 14-29°C in Ohrid and 16-32°C in Kavadarci. Thermometers frequently exceed 40°C, and the lack of fresh winds is particularly noticeable in Skopje. Skopians seek cooler climes in Greek Macedonia, on the shores of the country's great lakes (Ohrid, Prespa, Dojran, Tikveš...) or in the mountains. For example, it's between 2 and 16°C on Mount Korab. But beware of the heavy thunderstorms that often break out, with three to six days of rain depending on the region. Finally, in summer, we recommend September, with daytime temperatures averaging 25-26°C in the cities.


Between October and December, conditions deteriorate rapidly. However, October is still a good time for hiking and watching the harvesting of the peppers that produce the national condiment, ajvar. Average temperatures are 7-20°C in Skopje, 6-19°C in Bitola, 7-18°C in Ohrid and 8-19°C in Kavadarci. But it's already winter on Mount Korab: temperatures range from -6°C (at night) to 5°C. Snow starts to fall in November, so extra care is needed on the roads. Some ski resorts, such as Popova Šapka (Šar Mountains) and Zare-Lazarevski (Mavrovo National Park), open their slopes as early as mid-November. December is not necessarily the most pleasant month, with early nights, heavy rainfall, cold winds over Skopje and the Vardar valley and average winter temperatures: between - 2°C (at night) and 6°C in Skopje, Bitola and Ohrid, between - 1°C and 6°C in Kavadarci and between - 15°C and - 7°C on Mount Korab.


Between January and March, it's cold everywhere, even very cold, and it snows frequently, even in the plains. We especially advise against January, except for skiing or the Orthodox New Year on January 14. Average temperatures range from -4°C (at night) to 5°C in Skopje, from -4°C to 4°C in Bitola, from -2°C to 6°C in Ohrid, from -3°C to 5°C in Kavadarci and from -16°C to -8°C on Mount Korab. Some roads are closed, notably those in the highlands of Mount Bistra, in the Mavrovo National Park. However, conditions are milder in Gevgelija, the country's southernmost and warmest town: between 1 and 4°C on average in January and 5-17°C in March.