Time difference Algeria

There is one hour less than in France in summer.

Opening hours Algeria

To see / To do Algeria

Offices are generally open from 8am to 4:30pm, banks from 8:30am. Weekly rest days are now Fridays and Saturdays, Friday being prayer day. Banks are closed on Saturdays, but most shops are open. Don't forget to take into account siesta time in summer and Ramadan, during which administrations operate at a slower pace (closing at 3pm) and restaurants and bars are closed. Shops are open all day, until the break of the fast (ftour), and reopen, like cafés, a few hours after ftour until late in the evening...

Enjoying yourself Algeria

As a general rule, restaurants are open at the same times as in France: from 12pm to 2pm or 2:30pm at lunchtime, and from 7pm to 10pm or 10:30pm in the evening. Most are closed on Fridays, the day of rest. In larger towns, you'll also find restaurants open all day long, with small stalls serving non-stop.

Get out Algeria

Most restaurants, with a few exceptions, host musical evenings until 11pm or midnight on certain nights (sometimes even every night). As for nightclubs, that's generally the time they open until the wee hours of the morning.