The best bars and cafés Jordan
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Practical information : Take a break Jordan
Small bouibouis selling shawarmas or falafels to take away generally have wide opening hours, depending somewhat on the size of the town. Falafels and small canteens open early in the morning, between 6 and 7 a.m., to serve breakfast. Shawarma vendors are open late at night, until midnight or 1am, to serve night owls. Establishments serving alcohol (bars or cafés) are open until 11pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends (Thursday and Friday evenings in Jordan).
Budget & Tips
You can eat on the run for next to nothing. A falafel sandwich should never cost more than 2 DJ, or it's a tourist trap. Alcohol is tolerated, usually sold in Christian-run establishments (but not always), and is more expensive than in France. Count 5 DJ for a local draught beer, 15 DJ for a bottle of local wine or arak.
Age restrictions
The sale of alcohol is forbidden to minors. The legal age of majority is 18. Although the sale of alcohol is authorized in the country, it is not widespread. Few establishments serve alcohol, apart from luxury hotels, restaurants and bars for tourists.
What's very local
Alcohol consumption is more or less taboo in Jordan. Alcohol is sold in specialized wine shops, generally located in neighborhoods where the population is Christian. It's frowned upon to appear drunk in public. One glass is fine...
With the exception of chic restaurants catering to a certain bourgeoisie with Western mores, establishments serving alcohol in Jordan are hardly suitable for children.
Some bars and cafés prohibit smoking inside their premises, but not hookahs... go figure! Most bars and cafés have a terrace, if not an outdoor area, in which case smoking is permitted. If in doubt, ask the waiter.
Tourist traps
Jordan is a very safe country for tourists. There's no reason to get ripped off when entering or leaving a café.