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Practical information : Treat yourself (& others) Tunisia
In tourist areas (especially souks), stores are generally open from 9am to 7pm, except during Ramadan when opening hours are more restricted (closing time may be as early as 4pm).
Budget & Tips
In every souk in Tunisia, you'll find pottery, jewelry, spices and other handicrafts. The choice will be wide, but not always the quality: be careful not to buy products that come from Asia, for example! Talk to the seller and ask where the item was produced. Try to find out beforehand what specialties are produced in the region - they're often mentioned in this guide!
What's very local
In the souks, haggling is the order of the day... and it's always done with a smile! And even if you lose a few dinars, you'll still have had a great time! When it comes to food, there's no bargaining, and prices in the stores are generally fixed.
Tourist traps
They exist, in Tunisia as in all tourist destinations... You may be sold an item of one quality for another. You need to be careful about where you buy your products (especially plants and essential oils), even if it means paying a little more to be sure of the quality!