Time difference Tunisia

The time difference between Tunisia and France varies according to the season. It will be the same time in winter, there is one hour less in Tunisia during the summer time.

Opening hours Tunisia

To see / To do Tunisia

Unlike some Muslim countries where the day off is Friday, the day of the High Prayer, in Tunisia the day off is Sunday.

Stores are generally open Monday to Friday from 8am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 6pm, and from 8am to midday on Saturdays. In summer, stores only open from 8am to 1pm, due to the heat; this is known as the "one-shot" rule. However, you'll find a number of small independent boutiques open very late at night and very early in the morning. In July and August, offices close at 1.30pm.

Please note that during the month of Ramadan (lunar calendar), opening times are subject to change.

Enjoying yourself Tunisia

Restaurants generally open from 12pm to 3pm and from 7pm to 11pm-midnight. Some serve all day long, others only in the evening. They are generally open every day. Note that during the month of Ramadan (lunar calendar), all restaurants will be closed for lunch, and some for both lunch and dinner. It's not uncommon for restaurateurs to take advantage of this period to carry out renovations.

Take a break Tunisia

Cafés, bars and tearooms are generally open all day in Tunisia, from 8 or 9am (sometimes earlier) until 10pm or later in the evening.

Please note that during Ramadan (lunar calendar), opening times may vary and non-touristy cafés may not serve during the day.

Get out Tunisia

In big cities and tourist areas, nightlife is lively at weekends and sometimes during the week. In the villages, however, there's no such thing as nightlife!

In hotel clubs, entertainment is provided every evening for tourists.