Time difference Barbados

Barbados is in the Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4) time zone all year round. There is no time change between winter and summer. The time difference therefore varies from country to country, depending on which country observes daylight saving time.

For Western Europe, the time difference is 5 hours during winter time and 6 hours during summer time.

For Canada, there is no time difference with Barbados during daylight saving time, i.e. when it's noon in Bridgetown, it's also noon in Ottawa or Montreal. During winter time, Barbados is one hour ahead of Canada.

Opening hours Barbados

To see / To do Barbados

In Barbados, service opening hours follow a different rhythm to those in France. They open earlier, but also close earlier. As a rough guide, here are some opening hours:

Banks: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday and until 5 p.m. on Fridays.

Stores: 8am/8.30pm to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 1pm on Saturday. In high season (December to end March), some stores remain open on Sundays.

Supermarkets: 8am-8pm Monday to Saturday and Sunday mornings in high season.

Pharmacies: 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday; Friday from 8am to sunset; Saturday from 8am to 8pm and Sunday from 9am to 12pm.

Enjoying yourself Barbados

In general, restaurants are open for lunch from 11am until mid-afternoon, and open early for dinner, from 5pm until 9-10pm. Closing days depend on the establishment.

Take a break Barbados

Most cafés are open from early morning (between 7 and 8:30 a.m.) to late afternoon (between 2:30 and 4 p.m.). Bars, on the other hand, generally open around 11am, and some only from mid-afternoon. Happy hour usually runs from 5pm to 7pm. Some even have two (in the early afternoon or shortly before closing time).

(To) please yourself Barbados

Most stores in Barbados open from 8.30-9am until 5-6pm, and are often closed on Sundays.

Supermarkets open early (8am, sometimes earlier) until early evening (7-8pm) and are open on Sundays from morning until early afternoon (usually until 2pm).

Market addicts will find Cheapside Market in Bridgetown open every day, and Palmetto Mall open Monday to Saturday.

Get out Barbados

Entertainment starts relatively early in Barbados (between 6 and 7 pm).

Nightlife is centered around St Lawrence Gap, Holetown and Bay Street in Bridgetown. Bars generally open around 11am, and some only from mid-afternoon. Happy hour is usually between 5pm and 7pm. Some establishments even have two (in the early afternoon or shortly before closing time).

Nightclubs are generally open from Thursday to Saturday, between 8pm and 10pm.