Time difference Suriname

Suriname is located in the UTC-3 time zone all year round. This means that Suriname is generally on Atlantic Standard Time (AST) all year round, without switching to daylight saving time.

Opening hours Suriname

To see / To do Suriname

Be sure to check the opening times of the establishments you want to visit, as chances are they won't be working overtime on weekday evenings, and may even be closed on weekends.

Enjoying yourself Suriname

In Suriname, mealtimes shouldn't change from our usual habits, and here's generally what you can expect:

Breakfast is often served fairly early in the morning, usually between 6am and 9am. Surinamese can have a hearty breakfast including foods such as eggs, bread, fruit, porridge or rice with various accompaniments.

Lunch is usually taken between noon and 2pm. It can be a hot meal with rice, beans, meat or fish, as well as vegetables... And roti, of course! Many restaurants and establishments also offer takeaway meals for lunch.

Dinner is served between 6pm and 9pm. This is often the most important meal of the day for many Surinamese families. It can include a variety of foods such as rice, noodles, vegetables, meat, fish or chicken.

As far as restaurants in Suriname are concerned, opening times may vary according to the type of restaurant and its location. In urban or tourist areas, you'll be able to enjoy longer opening hours, while in more rural areas, opening times will be more limited.

(To) please yourself Suriname

Shopping hours in Suriname are often similar to those in other parts of the world, although they may close a little early. They generally open in the early morning, around 9 or 10 am, and close in the early evening, around 6 or 7 pm. However, some stores may have extended opening hours, particularly in urban or tourist areas.

As for markets, they start earlier in the day, as they aim to attract customers looking for fresh produce. Markets can open as early as 6 or 7 a.m. and stay open until midday or early afternoon. However, this can vary depending on the specific market and the day of the week.

Get out Suriname

There's no time for a drink in Suriname, and you'll always find open terraces. Of course, things get livelier as night falls. On the other hand, if you want to go to a discotheque, you'd better start late: it usually gets busy from 1 or 2 in the morning. Casinos are also open all day, with more entertainment in the evening.