Time difference Réunion

Mauritius and the Seychelles are in the same time zone as Réunion. To Paris time, you need to add 2 hours in summer (in France) and 3 hours in winter. So when it's midday in Paris, it's 2pm on Réunion in summer and 3pm in winter.

Opening hours Réunion

To see / To do Réunion

Most museums open between 9am and 9:30am and close between 5pm and 6pm. Some close between 12pm and 2pm. Guided tours are often at fixed times and subject to booking.

Enjoying yourself Réunion

You'll always find somewhere to nibble, except perhaps on Sundays, unless you're in a tourist area. Reunionnese eat early, and most restaurants, outside tourist areas, stop serving around 9pm/9.30pm. Very few offer continuous service. Generally speaking, establishments open for lunch and dinner serve from 11am/12pm to 2pm/15pm and from 6pm to 10pm/11pm. Breakfast at the beach is served from 8am, not before. At weekends and during school vacations, remember to make a reservation if you want a table and don't want to go hungry.

(To) please yourself Réunion

Shops in the city center open around 9am, close around 6pm and often between 12pm and 2pm, including on Saturdays (rarely on Sundays) and whatever the season. For public services, it is better to go before 3pm.

Get out Réunion

Each establishment has its own concept and operation and communicates its information on social networks. Choose according to your desires.