Discover Central Greece : Religions

Orthodox Christianity is, along with the Greek language, the glue that holds society together. In other words, the Greeks are very attached to their Church, even when they are non-practising, agnostic, even atheist or of another denomination. The institution is also much more connected with the rest of society than the Catholic Church in the West, if only because of the marriage of priests. And despite the sometimes virulent preaching of some prelates against divorce, abortion or homosexuality, the clergy as a whole is quite tolerant, since they share the same realities as the faithful. The Orthodox Church encourages acts of devotion, especially the worship of icons. More surprisingly, it accompanied certain superstitions that no longer had much to do with religion, since it was a popular church, in tune with popular beliefs. And in Greece, precisely, this is not lacking.

House and evil eye

Before entering someone's home, look up and you will often see on the door lintel a Christian cross drawn with candle smoke. It means that the house was blessed by a pope. It's a modern use, especially in the city. But in the countryside, the true tradition is that the pope cuts off the head of a rooster and spills his blood before the work begins. It's getting a little lost. The other practice that is developing is to hang a stuffed toy on the house until the house is finished. This tradition comes from Albania, the country of origin of many construction workers in Greece.

Believed to be found from Pakistan to Brazil, the evil eye is a legacy of the Persians, who came to Greece through the Ottomans. Called here the mati ("eye"), it is the fear of the evil power of some people's eyes caused by jealousy. Luckily, there are plenty of tricks to keep you from being "matiated". For example, each compliment that is likely to generate jealousy must be accompanied by a small movement of the tongue on the upper lip, as when spitting a seed, repeated three times with the onomatopoeia "ftoussou" ... and more or less sputtering. This gesture is even more amazing when performed on a baby. Moreover, as a hygienic measure, many maternity wards prohibit the use of "footballs" on infants. Another ploy: prayers recited by binders, including by telephone if necessary. And among the many anti-mati amulets, the most common is precisely in the shape of an eye. Like the eye of Horus of the ancient Egyptians, the blue eye of the Greeks and Turks adorns many houses, boats and cars, right down to the floor of the alleys of the Cyclades.

Other popular beliefs

Sign of the cross. Like the Catholics, the Orthodox practice this ritual gesture, but "upside down", i.e. touching the right shoulder before the left one. This is in fact the original practice dating back to the second century, when the Papacy encouraged the Latins to distinguish themselves from the Greeks during the Crusades. Another difference that has more to do with devotion: the most pious Greeks sign three times in a row as soon as they pass a church. It is very furtive and one is sometimes surprised to see a girl in light clothing or a businessman in a hurry making this gesture symbolizing the Trinity.

Tuesday. Since Constantinople fell to the Ottomans on a Tuesday (May 29, 1453), tradition dictates that no contracts or important undertakings be signed on that day.

Mini-chapels. They are everywhere along the roads. Called proskinitaria, they signal the location of a fatal accident or an accident avoided. Inside are an oil lamp and an icon of the patron saint of the deceased or "miraculous" person. Larger chapels are also found in gardens, fields and some buildings. This is another matter, since their owners benefit from the tax exemption granted to the Church's estates

Granada. This fruit is supposed to bring good luck. It is hung in houses at Christmas time and, on December 31 at midnight, it is crushed to the ground. The more the seeds spread, the more luck and happiness we will have in the coming year.

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