Time difference Ontario

The time difference with Ontario is 6 hours less in summer and winter. However, the time change in the fall and spring does not occur at the same time. In the far west of the province, just west of Thunder Bay, the time difference is 7 hours.

Opening hours Ontario

To see / To do Ontario

A distinction must be made here between urban centres and regions. In cities, points of interest are generally open year-round, with a restricted schedule outside the summer season (e.g., closed on Mondays). In the regions, they are often seasonal, with an opening period from May to October. If they are open every day during the summer, the schedule is often reduced from Patriots' Day (Monday preceding May 25) to June 24 and from Labour Day (1st Monday in September) to Thanksgiving (2nd Monday in October).

Enjoying yourself Ontario

There are no more variable schedules than those in the restaurant world. Not only do they vary according to the season, but also several times during the same season. Restaurants in large cities tend to have a relatively fixed schedule throughout the year, while in the regions, some establishments even close their doors out of season. And as everywhere, weekends and holidays are synonymous with great crowds, especially for the famous brunch served until 2 or 3 p.m. Ontarians also eat earlier than Europeans. As a result, kitchen opening hours are not very late, except for pub-type restaurants or those in the trendiest and/or most touristy neighbourhoods.

Take a break Ontario

Gourmet shops (pastry shops, chocolate shops, etc.), cafés and tea rooms are generally open every day from morning until mid- or late afternoon (some may be open until evening, especially cafés). There may, however, be days off in smaller shops or in the regions, usually at the beginning of the week. The schedule may also be reduced during the off-season. As for bars, many of them open their doors as early as 11 a.m. or noon, especially in the city. Otherwise, you can expect to open in the middle or late afternoon at the latest. Closing time is usually 2:00 a.m., but some close earlier (midnight or 1:00 a.m.) at the beginning of the week or during the off-season. Although they tend to be open 7 days a week, there are still days when they are closed (e.g. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday), especially in the regions.

(To) please yourself Ontario

Opening hours may vary from one establishment to another, but generally they open in the morning between 9 and 11 am and close between 6 and 9 pm. On Sundays, opening hours are often restricted (12:00 to 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.). Schedules can vary from one city to another and are often reduced out of season or even closed altogether (it is however generally possible to make an appointment). In cities and small towns, there may also be days when they are closed, mostly on Sundays and/or Mondays. And regardless of the season, most shops are open 7 days a week in large cities.

Get out Ontario

Mainly located in the city, nightclubs are generally open on Fridays and Saturdays (and other evenings depending on the club) from 10pm to 3am, or even later. For activities with friends (movies, billiards, bowling, go-karting, getaway games, etc.), schedules vary greatly depending on the type of establishment. There are also a few casinos in Ontario, most of which are open 24 hours a day. For the performing arts (music, comedy, theatre, etc.), the annual program is mainly concentrated outside the summer season, mostly in the evenings.