Lit dans le van avec vue
Bed in van with view © Lava Car Rental

Travelling by van is the promise of an authentic journey, an encounter with the wilderness. That's why we've selected the best destinations for van travel in Europe.

1. Norway: THE best destination for van travel in Europe

Les îles Lofoten en Norvège
Lofoten Islands, Norway © demerzel21 - Adobestock

Norway is probably the best destination for van travel in Europe, as it combines open legislation and stunning scenery. It has a law calledallemannsretten, or right of access to nature. This law is based on the principle that nature belongs to everyone, so you can set up your van anywhere, as long as you are at least 150 m away from dwellings and leave no trace of your passage, particularly by emptying your toilet. Areas are provided for this purpose. Norway's landscapes, with their fjords, Atlantic oceans and wilderness, are also good arguments for vanlife. The Lofoten Islands are particularly popular.

2. Iceland

Les fameuses cascades Kirkjufellsfoss en Islande
The famous Kirkjufellsfoss waterfalls in Iceland © Nick Fox - Adobe Stock

Please note that wild camping is strictly forbidden in Iceland, including sleeping in a van or caravan in non-designated areas. However, Iceland remains an excellent destination for van travel in Europe, as it offers many dedicated places. Some landowners allow you to set up on their land, not to mention the country's many campsites. These often bring together other vanlife enthusiasts, creating real communities with a pleasant atmosphere. Among the best things to see in Iceland with a van, don't miss Arnarfjörður, considered the most beautiful fjord on the island.

3. Scotland, one of Europe's top destinations for van travel

Château dans les Highlands en Écosse
Castle in the Scottish Highlands © swen_stroop - Adobe Stock

Scotland is truly one of the best destinations for van travel, as it allows wilderness camping and offers sublime scenery. This is governed by the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, which allows you to camp freely on open (i.e. unfenced), uncultivated land, up to a maximum of 3 nights per campsite. Going on vacation in a van in the country also gives you access to its almost pristine nature via roads that are often very wild.

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4. Portugal, a good destination for van travel in Europe

Praia do Camilo en Algarve
Praia do Camilo in the Algarve © daliu - Adobe Stock

Although wild camping is forbidden, Portugal remains a good destination for van travel in Europe, as it boasts numerous campsites, as well as dedicated parking lots, some of which are even free of charge. The country is also a perfect destination for a van road-trip in Europe, as it boasts truly breathtaking natural landscapes and pleasant roads. Some of Portugal's finest sights include the Algarve, with its cliffs jutting out into the sea; the Alentejo, with its rural landscapes dotted with small villages; the Atlantic coastline, with its tumultuous waters popular with surfers; and the Douro Valley, with its many vineyards.

5. France

Champs de lavande de Valensole
Lavender fields of Valensole © Kavita - Adobe Stock

In France, it is permitted to sleep in your vehicle, provided you are in a parking space. However, you are asked to be discreet and not to spread out your camping equipment, taking up a lot of space. If you want to take out a tent, camping table or raise the roof of your van, you'll have to go to a campsite instead. France is ideal for a first trip in a van, as it's relatively flexible on the subject, not to mention the ease with which you can travel within your own country. Among the most beautiful landscapes in France, don't miss the mountain roads of the Alps, the lakes of the Jura, the lavender route in Provence, the volcanoes of Auvergne or the Breton seaside.

6. Spain: one of the best destinations for van travel in Europe

Ville de Tenerife dans les Canaries
Tenerife in the Canaries © Serenity-H - Adobe Stock

In Spain, regulations concerning van camping depend on the municipality, so you'll find some areas authorized, and others not. Generally speaking, vans are considered to be cars, so you can spend the night sleeping in them in a parking space, but you're not allowed to set up camp around them. Beyond that, it's an excellent destination for van travel in Europe because of its beautiful Mediterranean landscapes, but also its mountainous ones, since you can quite easily envisage a road-trip in the Pyrenees. Other must-sees in Spain include the Costa Brava, Costa Blanca and Andalusia, as well as islands such as the Canary Islands.

7. Greece

Corfou en Grèce
Corfu in Greece © A.Jedynak - Adobe Stock

There's so much to see and do in Greece that a converted van is an ideal way to explore the country. For example, there are numerous islands that you can reach by ferry, white sandy beaches, not to mention a spectacular ancient heritage. Another advantage is that many of Greece's roads are particularly scenic, giving you another good reason to travel by van. However, wild camping is strictly forbidden in the country, and strictly controlled in tourist areas. If you're traveling by van in Greece, you'll need to use specially designated areas, especially campsites.

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8. Germany

Château de Neuschwanstein
Neuschwanstein Castle © Patryk Kosmider - Adobe Stock

In Germany, wild camping is forbidden if you're planning to set up camp. On the other hand, you can sleep in your vehicle, even for a whole night, as long as you pull into a parking space and don't deploy any equipment. It's a country that's well worth a visit in a van, since Germany is a destination that, despite its wealth, has remained relatively untouched by mass tourism. In fact, it is the third country in the world with the most Unesco sites, ahead of France. Among Germany's must-sees are Neuschwanstein Castle, the Rhine Valley, Bavarian villages and their high peaks, Lake Constance and Hamburg, the exceptional Hanseatic city. The country's well-developed and well-maintained road network makes it an ideal location for a van vacation.

9. Sweden

Stockholm © Mistervlad - Adobe Stock

The Nordic countries make excellent destinations for van travel in Europe, and Sweden is no exception. Like Norway, it has adopted the famous Allemansrätten, or right of access to nature. The only condition is that you leave the place as you found it, without leaving garbage or emptying toilets. So you can enjoy the beauties of Sweden by wild camping in your van or sleeping in a campsite, whichever you prefer. The van is an excellent way to enjoy the Swedish coast, its fishing villages, and to get out into the wilderness to perhaps meet some reindeer.

10. Croatia

Vue sur Dubrovnik de nuit
View of Dubrovnik by night © ecstk22 - Adobe Stock

Along its Adriatic coastline, but also inland with its many hilltop villages, Croatia is a prime playground for vanlife enthusiasts. It certainly boasts one of Europe's most beautiful coastlines, with numerous waterfront coves and pine forests. As for cities, Croatia also boasts many treasures, including ancient cities such as Split and Dubrovnik. Please note, however, that wild camping is strictly forbidden in the country, so you'll have to sleep in campsites or parking spaces set aside for the purpose.

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11. Bosnia-Herzegovina

Mostar en Bosnie-Herzégovine
Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina © Alexey Stiop - Adobestock

Bosnia-Herzegovina is truly one of Europe's hidden treasures, and one of the best destinations for van travel in Europe. Occupied for half a millennium by the Ottoman Empire, it retains a particularly exotic oriental culture. Enjoy Turkish loukoums and coffee, while discovering a particularly rich history. Beware, however, as camping in the wild is not only forbidden, it can also be dangerous, as Bosnia-Herzegovina still has many mines in its soil, evidence of the murderous Yugoslav wars. It is therefore essential to use campsites or designated parking areas.

12. Finland, the ideal destination for van travel in Europe

Paysage en Finlande
Finnish landscape © Igor Groshev - Adobe Stock

With its vast expanses as far as the eye can see, Finland is the perfect destination for van travelers seeking freedom and escape. Among the beauties of Finland, don't miss the Oulanka National Park and its bear circuit, Lake Inari, and explore the Turku archipelago. In the evening, when you go to bed in your van, you may even have the chance to admire the northern lights. The country is all the more interesting for having been spared mass tourism. What's more, Finland has also adopted the right of access to nature, so you'll be able to camp freely, as long as you leave the place perfectly clean.

13. Romania

Brasov en Transylvanie
Brasov in Transylvania © ecstk22 - Adobestock

Romania is a destination with a lot to offer those looking for a van holiday in Europe. Wild camping is perfectly legal here, and the country is densely wooded with sublime natural spaces, so you'll find sublime spots to spend the night. The only thing you'll need to watch out for is bears, which populate the country by the thousand, so encounters are far from rare. So don't leave any traces of food outside.

14. Bulgaria

Sofia, capitale de la Bulgarie
Sofia, capital of Bulgaria © kanuman - Adobestock

One of the best destinations for van travel in Europe: Bulgaria is still a little-known destination, but it's full of treasures. You'll enjoy its capital with its oriental influences, its monasteries lost in the mountains, its mountains and even its beaches on the Black Sea. However, as camping in the wild is forbidden in Bulgaria, you'll have to look out for campsites, many of which offer very attractive prices compared to the European average.

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15. Ireland: a choice destination for van travel in Europe

Blackrock Castle à Cork en Irlande
Blackrock Castle in Cork, Ireland © Patryk Kosmider - Adobe Stock

With its endless stretches of green, Ireland is a prime destination for those looking for a place to travel by van in Europe. What's more, the country is ideally suited to road-tripping, with its many scenic roads, both coastal and inland. The only drawback: you'll have to get used to driving on the left! Please note that camping in the wild is forbidden, so you'll need to sleep in motorhome parking lots or campsites.