Organize your stay NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Money Money NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Like France, Greece is part of the euro zone. You will have no problem finding a bank in the North Aegean: on each inhabited island, you will find at least one cash dispenser, sometimes also a branch. Banks are generally open from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm, from Monday to Friday.

However, be careful to keep some cash on you, especially on the small islands where the ATMs are not always supplied: a malfunction or a sudden influx of people (for a party for example) is enough for the only ATM on the island to be suddenly emptied, while many establishments, whether taverns or studios in the homes of locals, do not take credit cards. For payments by credit card, please note that they are free everywhere, unlike withdrawals which are subject to a withdrawal fee of about 2-3 euros, depending on the bank.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Despite the galloping inflation, the cost of living in Greece remains globally cheaper than in France. On the islands, life is relatively more expensive than in Athens or on the mainland. Especially since the islanders only have a few months a year to earn their yearly income: the tourist season has seen an inescapable spike in prices, especially since the health and energy crises.

For the moment - and especially out of season - the traveler will still be surprised by the softness of some prices in bars and restaurants. And in hotels, it is still possible to find a room at a good price and negotiable outside the months of July and August, always saturated with tourists. Prices are quite variable depending on the islands and, above all, on the period. It is sometimes enough to postpone your stay by a week, towards the beginning of June or towards the end of September, to see your budget melt by 30%.

To have an idea of the budget per person, in season, you should count 50 € per day when sleeping at a campsite, 100 € in a studio at a local's house, 150 € per day with a night in a charming inn and from 200 € per day if you choose more luxurious hotels.

Passport and visas Passport and visas NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

For European Union citizens, a valid identity card or passport is sufficient. For unaccompanied minors, an authorization to leave the country is required (forms can be obtained at the town hall or police station). No visa is required for Canadian citizens if their stay is less than three months.

Before leaving, remember to photocopy all the documents you take with you. This will make it much easier to renew them with the consular authorities in case of loss or theft.

For non-European nationals, the procedures should be carried out at the Greek Embassy in Paris (17, rue Auguste Vacquerie - Paris 16e - 01 47 23 72 28 - and at the Consulate General (23, rue de Galilée - Paris 16e - 01 47 20 40 64).

Driver's license Driver's license NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

You will find at least one car and/or two-wheeler rental company on each inhabited island of the North Aegean, except Psara. However, some islands do not have a very large offer, even among the most visited or the largest ones: book your vehicle in advance for the high season!

A driving license issued by an EU country is recognized throughout the EU: French and Belgian driving licenses are recognized in Greece and will be accepted by all rental companies, whether for a car or a scooter. Please note: the classic French B license includes the driving of scooters up to (but not including) 125cc scooters. However, some rental companies will refuse to let you have a scooter (even a 50cc) if you don't have a special motorcycle/scooter license or if you can't prove that you have followed the two-wheeler training that is now mandatory in France. The national legislation is quite unclear on this subject but a growing number of rental companies do not want to take the risk anymore.

Health Health NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

The North Aegean islands do not present any major health risks. However, the water is not drinkable everywhere and beware of mosquito bites, sea urchins and sunburn. It is important to stay well hydrated in the summer and to always carry a bottle of water with you.

In case of serious illness, contact the French Consulate. They will help you, accompany you and provide you with a list of French-speaking doctors. They will also inform your family and decide on your repatriation. To find out about emergencies and establishments that meet international standards, visit and

Mandatory vaccination Mandatory vaccination NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

No vaccinations are recommended before leaving.

Security Security NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Greece is one of the safest countries in Europe. The only everyday danger you may face is on the road: Greeks are still allergic to wearing seatbelts and helmets and love to use their phones while driving. For those who travel by car or two-wheeler, we recommend the utmost caution on the roads.

On these islands, you will have almost no worries about pickpockets. As a safety measure, in the most visited places, check the locks of your bags and avoid putting identity papers, telephone, wallet and large sums of money in the back pocket of your backpack.

Finally, Greece has a significant amount of seismic activity. In case of an earthquake, refer to the recommendations published by the French Embassy in Greece, to be reviewed before your departure:

If you are inside a building. Stay inside and do not rush out. Do not use elevators. If you are in an elevator at the time of the earthquake, try to get out as soon as possible. Take cover under a table, desk, or other sturdy piece of furniture and hold on to the edges. If you are in a hallway, get into a crouched position along an interior wall. Do not stand in a doorway. Protect your head and face. Stay away from windows, glass partitions, mirrors, bookcases, overhead furniture, light fixtures.

If you are outside. Stay there and move to a place away from windows, buildings, electrical wires or telephone poles. Sidewalks along tall buildings are especially dangerous.

If you are in a vehicle. Stay in your car. Try to stop in a safe place without blocking the road. Stay away from bridges, overpasses and buildings. Don't try to get out of your car if wires have fallen on it. Wait for help.

In any case, stay calm and pray that the "ground shaker" leaves you in peace during your vacation!

In general, for the latest information on local security, consult the "Travel Advice" section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: Be aware, however, that the site provides an exhaustive list of potential dangers and that this sometimes gives a somewhat alarmist picture of the real situation in the country.

Time difference Time difference NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Greece is in the GMT + 2 time zone, which means that there is a one hour time difference with France: when it is noon in Paris, it is 1pm in Athens and in the North Aegean, winter and summer.

Spoken languages Spoken languages NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

In Greece, the official language is modern Greek. Greeks know foreign languages very well and it is always a bit of a shame for us, who are so limited in learning languages. On the islands, many Greeks are fluent in English, at least enough to communicate in the height of the tourist season. Some islanders also speak French, or Italian, depending on the type of tourists who usually stay on the island. In some places not frequented by tourists, however, foreign languages are not always spoken. A little linguistic effort will open the doors wide and facilitate exchanges.

Communication Communication NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Since June 2017, when you use your French cell phone in an EU member country, you do not pay for the call, whether you make the call or receive it. Also, roaming (Internet on your phone) is free in the EU. Just be careful when you are in the islands of the North-East Aegean because they are so close to the Turkish coast for some that they pick up the Turkish mobile network. In this case, don't forget to turn off your mobile data.

The islands of the North Aegean offer good Internet coverage: most cafes and taverns have free wifi, as do hotels and studios for rent. For the latter, you may have some difficulty in getting wifi in your room, but the halls and common rooms of these establishments always offer a relatively stable and solid connection.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Greece is connected to 220 volts AC, 50 Hz, like the rest of continental Europe. The plugs are similar to the French ones: no need to bring an adapter in your luggage.

Luggage Luggage NorThern Islands Of The Aegean Sea

Even if it's just a matter of going to the beach, a bathing suit and a towel will not be enough in summer: don't forget a hat, sun cream and tinted glasses, because the sun is particularly strong in the North Aegean islands. In summer, the evenings are always warm and pleasant, but it is often windy and humid on these islands so remember to bring a light sweater. In general, bring comfortable and sturdy shoes if you want to go by the stone paths, especially to reach isolated coves. In mid-season, remember to take a little wool and possibly a windbreaker for walking on deck during boat trips. For visits to religious sites, bring clothes that cover shoulders and knees.