Time difference Andalusia
There are no time zone differences. The time in Seville is exactly the same as in Paris.
Opening hours Andalusia
To see / To do Andalusia
Museums are closed on Mondays. Some monuments are open discontinuously, but most open from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 8pm, 1 hour later in summer. Schedules on their websites. Mornings are the busiest, especially for groups. Prefer the afternoon. Out of season, access is much quicker. Please note that the monuments are closed on Christmas, New Year's Day and Spanish and Andalusian public holidays.
Enjoying yourself Andalusia
Spanish hours are different from ours: from 2pm to 4pm for lunch, the most important meal, comida fuerte, and from 9pm for dinner. Restaurants are often closed on Sunday evenings and Mondays. And in August in major cities outside the Costa del Sol.
Take a break Andalusia
Drinks bars are open all day and often all week. In the evening, they're more copas bars, frequented after dinner, so more often around 11pm and beyond. Friday and Saturday nights are the busiest.
(To) please yourself Andalusia
Stores are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm (6pm to 9pm in summer). With the exception of department stores and a few touristy boutiques, they close on Saturdays, sometimes for the whole day.
Get out Andalusia
Flamenco shows start at 7pm and go on until 10pm, lasting around 1h30. For discos, it will be later, as the Spanish saying goes: " no hay ningun ambiante antes de las 2 ", no ambience before 2am. Most people go out on Fridays and Saturdays.