Why go to Sicily? The 10 good reasons to go Sicily


Incredibly beautiful cities

Palermo, Syracuse and Catania, but also Ragusa, Noto, Cefalù, are historical jewels.


Dream beaches

Favignana, Syracuse or the Zingaro reserve have wonderful turquoise beaches.


Islands frozen in time

Charming and picturesque, the Aeolian Islands have remained on the fringe of the city's tumult.


A gastronomy full of flavours

Sicily is a land of epicureans and slow food enthusiasts, and offers a plethora of local recipes.


Active volcanoes to watch

Etna and Stromboli, volcanoes in eruption with incandescent lava, are easily observed.

A charismatic and jovial people

Sicilians are friendly, joke easily and speak with their hands!


Greco-Roman temples to visit

In Agrigento mainly, the monumental Valley of the Temples is incredible.


Unique and mineral wines

The wines of Marsala, Nero d'Avola, Etna and the Aeolian Islands are very famous.


An affordable and nearby destination

One plane ride and you're there! The low cost companies serve Palermo as well as Catania.


Contrasting landscapes

Their diversity is rich, the surroundings of Etna have nothing to do with the rest of the island.

What to visit Sicily?


Interview: My Sicily

With Camille GRIFFOULIÈRES, author of the guide

Journalist reporter, IPJ graduate and author for the Petit Futé for more than 13 years, Camille comes to Sicily every year to discover new details. Fascinated by its long history and its architecture, she likes to see its museum collections again and again, to discover new paths and new talented restaurants, to taste the festive and urban atmosphere as well as to get lost in the villages and islands.

See the video of the interview

Good to know to visit Sicily

Timetable Timetable

The opening hours of museums and tourist offices are similar to those in France. The same goes for churches and cathedrals. Many cultural institutions are closed on Mondays.

To be booked To be booked

The Valley of the Temples in Agrigento and the archaeological park of Neapolis in Syracuse are the two historical sites that should be booked online in advance to avoid waiting in line for the entrance. It is strongly recommended to book a guided climb or excursion to Mount Etna and Mount Stromboli, especially in high season, as the guides are very busy.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips

Entrance fees generally range from €2 to €10. Discounts are available for those under 18 years old from all over the European Union, for those over 65 years old and for students. In addition, since October 2015, most museums are taking part, gradually, in the ministerial initiative #DomenicalMuseo, which offers free access to museums (but also to archaeological parks, monuments, galleries and gardens) every first Sunday of the month. An initiative that is intended to extend to the entire territory (and, hopefully, to private foundations and museums).

Main events Main events

The Heritage Days, an event on a European scale, which opens the usually closed doors of monuments and historical buildings to the public, are called in Italy "Giornata FAI di Primavera" in June and "Giornata FAI d'Autunno", in October. In Sicily 17 places open their doors all over the island. The complete list on : www.fondoambiente.it/il-fai

Guided tours Guided tours

Etna and the Aeolian Islands are the main destinations for treks that require a guide and logistic organization. Indispensable for volcano ascents.

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