An old corner bar with unpromising decor near the canal: at first glance, that is what this institution of quai de Jemmapes looks like. But once you sit down at the table, you quickly forget the pine cone hanging from the ceiling and the statuettes of bucolic nymphs scattered throughout the bar. This is the kingdom of Adel, who run his small café with good humour and sympathy, a tradition that is lost in the other neighbourhood bars. If we come here, it is not so much for the contents of the glass or the plate (some Syrian specialities are proposed), but for the people with whom we taste them. Here, you will find a few merry regulars, some quite drunk students and idle artists. Every evening or almost, musicians give small concerts, without any fuss. The prices are reasonable, the evenings are always pleasant, especially in summer when the terrace is full of customers enjoying the beautiful days… and beautiful nights!
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Le serveur a atteint depuis longtemps l'âge légal de la retraite et n'entends plus très bien lors de la prise des commandes. La déco est faite de bric et de broc et vous n'y trouverez pas de spritz ou de mojito mais c'est tant mieux ! J'y ai passé de belles soirées. J'ai beaucoup de tendresse pour cet endroit anachronique qui résiste encore un peu à la gentrification du quartier.
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