Mexican fast food in Paris serving burrito, tacos, meats, beans or vegetables in fajita with sauce.
Chipotle set up in the heart of Saint-Germain Boulevard, the Mexican fast food chain has been able to make a place among the unavoidable Saint-Michel neighborhood. The place is nice, rather open and modern, no fiording or kitsch decay, you just smile at the revenge and what we have in the plate, and that's not to dislike us. You have the choice between a burrito, a tacos, a salad or a plate, that you're freezing with steak, chicken, carnitas (high-air Blythburgh pork meat, seasoned with thyme, laurel, juniper berries and black pepper) or the barrel. Bacoa (farmed beef meat in a pimentated chipode sauce, with cumin, cloves, garlic and oregan), you can add rice, beans or fajita vegetables, and add a sauce of your choice.
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Attention cependant, le prix peut très vite monter avec les suppléments
Meilleur chipotle d'Ile de France pour les avoir tous testé.