On foot packets do not devalue its name and treat abats with care, presenting only the best. A great choice and high quality, which also lies in the rest of the offer. There are many yeguada pieces, but sometimes bullfighting in a feria. But Jérôme has more than one rope to his bow: in addition to delicious beef and veal, it offers a large selection of all-more original sausages, such as veal and mozzarella, as well as pork and candied tomatoes. And as the sausages change from day to day, you can spend his summer using the packets without risking monotony. And when you know that in addition, the gate expanded in August 2010 and now proposes a nice choice of homemade sausages ("house", it's Jérôme) of the ham in the bone, rillettes, campagne, black boudin… you don't hesitate anymore, we fonce! It was a good place to stay.
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