Pleasant terrace establishment with Asian food in the spotlight and unbeatable quality/price ratio
Asian food in quantity without having to compromise on quality: that's what this establishment offers you to discover every day, for lunch and dinner, for an unbeatable quality/price ratio. From starters to desserts, everything is home-made with fresh products. The small but quality buffet is a must and will satisfy even the hungriest of appetites. It is also possible to order à la carte and to take away. At lunchtime, the bento of the day composed of a starter, a main course and a dessert is an undeniable smart plan! Nice terrace.
Did you know? This review was written by our professional authors.
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А так же заметно больше десертов чем у конкурентов.
Цены правда тоже повыше, но в любом случае оно того стоит :)
Le temps d'attente au buffet est parfois un peu long mais la qualité des plats proposés en vaut la peine.